mean while back in no mans land(ne new i gave to kisshus deminsion)
taruto: awww.a fox how kawaii(means cute)
kisshu:dont you think so.^^
pai: why did you bring a fox here?
taruto:but its so cute.
kisshu: its also a mew mew.
pai went and picked up the fox
pai: looks just like an ordinary fox.
kisshu:fine.dont believe me.
after saying that he snatched the fox from pai.
kisshu: you dont diserve to hold her.-he then looks at her in the eyes-
kisshu: why were you running from the mew mew gang?
he then kissed her nose and she transformed back into being a girl,but her ears and tail were still out.she started to blush staring at kisshu in the face since he was holding her.
kisshu:WOW.that was a shocker.
girl: um...hi.^^
kisshu:what is your name little girl?
girl:my name is harou,and for your info im not little.im 14.
she then started to cry.
harou: im not little.no im not.
kisshu: im sorry.your right.your not little.
harou: whats your guys name?
kisshu: im kisshu. his taruto and his pai.
harou: i want to go home.
pai: too bad,you cant go home because you are-
kisshu:yes you can go home.
kisshu then quickly teleported him and her back to the spot he took her from.
kisshu: I shall take my leave.
harou: your leaving already.
kisshu: dont worry.we will meet again.
harou: okay.*she then smiled* i'll be waiting ni-san.^^
kisshu: okay.
~chapter four~
she then ran to mew mew cafe and started to knock on the door.while she was doing that ryou was in the cafe thinking of ways to convince her to be a mew mew.
ryou: i wonder who it is.probably ichigo coming to bug me.-sighs-
he then went and opened the door.
ryou: oh,its you.
harou: my names not you.its harou.and i came to sk if i can be a mew mew.
ryou: and why should i let you?
harou: because earlier you people were chasing me like crazy.
ryou: is this some trick from kisshu?
harou: no.kisshu is a nice guy,i dont think he would trick me.
ryou: well i guess we have no choice. well you should hurry home soon.
harou: thats the probalem.i dont have a home.
ryou: oh,umm...you can live here if you want.
harou then smiled like crazy and hugged him.
harou:thank you,thank you!!!
ryou:but first get rid of the fox ears and tail
harou: how do i do that?
ryou:just think of them not there.your original self.
so harou starts to think.and think.and think.and then poof her face went red.
harou:i cant do it.its been like this since i was a baby.
ryou: never met a mew mew like that.oh well. come with me.
ryou then took her to her new room.there was a two beds,a dressser,a lamp,a closet,and a computer.
ryou: the only bathroom is in my room.so come ask me if you need it.^^
harou: are you sure your not some ***** that prays on 14 year old girls?
ryou: yes im not a *****.
harou: the why are all the mew mews girls?explain that one.
ryou:.......i got to go.bye sweatdrop
harou: thought so.
she then laid in the bed and feel asleep. all of a sudden kisshu appeared next to her bed.
kisshus thoughts(gawd shes so cute.i wonder if she does what regular dogs do)
he then went to harous ear and whispered"roll over".at that moment she rolled over. kisshu laughed a little loud,but only loud enough to wake her up.
harou: kisshu ni-san!!!!!
kisshu: ni-san is just fine.
harou then jumped out of bed and huged him.
harou: i missed you.
kisshu: i missed you too.what are you doing here?
harou: im a mew mew.^^.isnt that great.
kisshu then had a horrified look on his face.
kisshu: oh,...thats great. i must go now though.see you next time.my little fox.
harou: bye bye ni-san.^^
he then flew away. in kisshus thoughts(crap,i dont want to kill her shes so cute.)
~chapter five~
harou then woke to ryou coming in saying"come down to the basement"
harou: ounds like your going to rape me down there.
ryou:-sigh- just go down there.the other mew mews are there.
harou: fine.
she then got dressed and ran down to the basement.
Keiichiro: good.everyones here.
minto: why is she here?
ryou:because she is.just shut up.
phon: whats your name fox girl na do na!!!!
harou:my name is harou and im 14.
ryou: now that we know veryone please continue.
Keiichiro: theres a chimera animal near tokyo bay.
ryou: mew mews go out there!
mew mews: okay!
then they all ran off transforming into the mew mews.
everyone except harou: MEW MEW METAMORPH-SIS
then poof everyone had animal ears and stuff.
harou: how do i do that?
ichigo: i thought you were already transformed.your ears and tail has ben out this whole time.
harou: i was born like that.
zakuro: where here.
then pai,taruto,and kisshu appeared.
ichigo: looks its-
harou: kisshu ni-san,taruto chibi-ni-san, and pai ni-sama!!!!!!
kisshu: hello my little fox.glad to see you again.^^
minto: wait.im confused.there our enemy.dont go and give them cute names.
phon: yay.taruto is taru-taru.^^
harou: dont tell me how to live my life.
minto: gawd you stupid mutt.why dont you just sit and watch.
then harou sat all of a sudden.her fox tail started to wag like crazy.
ichigo: you need to transform.
masha came and spitted out a mew mew transformer thing.(XD)
harou: ewwwwwwwww!!!!
ichigo: now wheres the mark?
harou: is this it.she then took off her shirt and on her chest was a mark.
harou: well sorry im not used to clothes.
she then put her shirt back on and said "MEW MEW METAMMORPH-SIS!"
she then started to transform.she had on a long sleeve shirt that was blue.and she was wearing an un button vest that was black. her skirt was black too. her shoes where black boots.at her side were two bronish colored ribbons. next to those her cell phone string was hanging out. around her neck was her mew neckalace.but it was different.for inside was something everyone should fear if opened. and in her hand was a shiny apple!
harou: mew mew holloween. and this is my trusty apple mr. appleman!
zakuro:what is she going to do with a apple?
minto: stop loligaging and fight.
harou: i dont want to hurt my ni-sans!
ichigo: what ever they said.there not your n-sans!
kisshu: cool it kitty cat.we didnt say anything.she came up with that.
ichigo: and why should i trust you?
kisshu: because im awesome like that. my little fox come here.
harou then jumped up and went to him.
harou: ni-san!!!
kisshu: lets leave this place.
then pai,taruto,harou, and kisshu teleported away.
zakuro: they probably brain washed her.
minto: thats if she has one in the first place.
- by X_EnvyYou_X |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/29/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: mew mew lovey-dovey
- Artist: X_EnvyYou_X
chapter 3.i had it all ready yesturday but gaia wouldnt let me post anything else.-_-
you know what,im also going to put chapter 4 in here too. =D
and chapter 5.i want to make it today.GASP!i should make my own websites!!!! - Date: 12/29/2008
- Tags: loveydovey
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