• Melody is a Princess from the Celestial Realm. She is 16 years old, and very beautiful. She loves studying magic, and practicing hers. Her powers are very strong, stronger than any girl her age. Everyone loved her, but one day the Celestial Realm was attacked, by a dark lord, Lord Darkar. Her parents had no choice, but to send her to a faraway place, to be safe. So they sent her to Earth.

    * * * * *

    When she arrived on earth, she landed on somebody’s front doorstep. All she had with her was a bag, full of cloths, a picture of her family and her kingdom (which she was the next in line to run), tons of magic books and the only other thing she had was a necklace, that she wore at all times. This necklace had magic powers that could only be controlled by her. If she wanted, with two little words, that necklace would become her staff. She didn’t know it yet, but she would use her staff and save her entire kingdom, and the entire Celestial Realm.

    Melody arrived on somebody’s doorstep. She knocked on the door. An old lady answered it. The lady quickly realized who was at the door, and she lowered herself to the ground and she bowed down to her. Melody who always hated how people would treat her like her parents, quickly told the old lady that she must get up. Melody helped the old lady. The old lady invited her in. They sat at the kitchen table, drinking tea. As they were drinking tea, the old lady introduced herself. She was Ann Anderson, she used to live in the Celestial Realm, and she was also Melody’s grandmother’s best friend. Knowing that Melody had no place to stay, she told her that she was welcomed to stay with her. Melody thanked her. Melody soon told Ann what was going on in the Celestial Realm. Melody knew that she had to be the one to save the Celestial Realm.

    Ann showed her to her room. Melody got settled. She took out her magic books and she took off her necklace, and she said Harmonic Nebula, and her necklace turned in to her staff. Once Ann saw this, she left the room, so she could train. Melody studied hard. Her magic grew ever more powerful, and she now could do every spell in all of her spell books perfectly.

    One day, Melody decided that she would take a break from magic and go outside, and walk around town. Ann went with her; she was going to take her to the magic shops on Earth. As they walked on the secret path, in the park, to the magic shop, some creature showed up out of nowhere. He was running, frantically, because a monster was chasing him. Melody took off her necklace and she said "Harmonic Nebula". Her necklace had turned into her staff. She concentrated on her magic, and she created a force field around Ann, the creature and herself. Luckily she created the force field when she did, because the monster started attacking them. She then let go of the force field and she opened a portal, and then she attacked the monster. The monster fell back and landed into the portal. And she quickly closed the portal.

    The creature thanked her for saving his life. The creature, however, was one of the people attacked in the Celestial Realm. He lived not far from the kingdom. He told Melody and Ann that the Celestial Realm was frozen in time, and Melody needed to save them. Lord Darkar had fully taken over her kingdom In the matter of weeks, and her parents, had been sent to the Realm of Misery. Melody knew what she had to do, and that was defeat Lord Darkar, and save her kingdom and her parents.

    They quickly went to the secret magic shop. Only got what they needed, and they headed back to Ann’s house. Melody gathered her books and she put them in her bag, and she opened a portal to the Celestial Realm. Ann went into a secret room hidden by magic. In that room, there were a lot of magic books, spell books, and ingredients for potions and a lot of potion bottles. Ann went in, and she took out a women’s warrior outfit. She walked into Melody’s room, and she handed the outfit to her. Ann said "Put this on, your grandmother gave this to me before she died; she said it was meant for you. It’s going to help and protect you." Melody quickly put the outfit on. And they all entered the portal.

    * * * * *

    They reached the Celestial Realm. Everything was literally frozen in time. All the birds that flew in the air, just stood there, frozen. The only living thing that moved was Lord Darkar, and his minions. Melody knew that she couldn’t do this alone, so she needed to go to the Realm of Misery and save her parents. But before she could, LD’s (short for Lord Darkar) minions were already after them. Now it was up to her to defeat these monsters. Ann helped by reciting a spell which froze all the monsters. Melody attacked them, and she vanquished them all. But they kept coming. All of a sudden Prince Riven of Starz came to help. He brought his army, and they joined in the fighting.

    They fought side by side, trying to defeat all of the monsters. The creature, however, had no powers for himself, so he stood on the sidelines watching. Prince Riven knew that fighting all these monsters was killing her. What she really wanted to do was seek her revenge on LD. Prince Riven yelled to her that she must go into the palace and defeat LD. Prince Riven stood in front of her while she casted another portal to take her inside the palace

    * * * * *

    Melody noticed that the palace was all dark and, he changed the palace for his liking. She walked into the throne room. He was sitting on her father’s throne. "So….." he started to say. "You think you can take me all on your own? Well you’re wrong; I’m much too powerful for you." Melody replied back "Well we’ll see about that." LD grew furious. So he started attacking her. Melody was hit. "Looks like you’re not as powerful as you thought." LD said. Melody couldn’t stand him anymore. She started throwing everything she had at him. He became weak. She concentrated really hard, and she collected her magic and she cast a banishing spell on LD. This banishing spell, banished any creature that caused trouble in any realm. At that moment Prince Riven walked into the throne room.

    A portal opened up, and it sucked out LD from the kingdom. That portal took LD to where all the other banished creatures go to, which was the Realm of Exile and Despair. Melody was relieved. Prince Riven went up to Melody, and he hugged her for her accomplishments. "You did it!" Prince Riven said. "I did, didn’t I?" Melody replied. "Let’s go back and see if everyone is all right." Prince Riven suggested. They walked outside they saw that all the people who were frozen where now unfrozen. Melody and Prince Riven walked up to Ann.

    "Thanks Ann for all your help." Melody said. Ann replied in return "You shouldn’t be thanking me, we should be thanking you. You saved the Celestial Realm." Melody said "I was glad to help, and I’m glad to be rid of LD, but now I must go and save my parents from the Realm of Misery." Once more Melody opened the portal and she went to the Realm of Misery and she rescued her parents. They were happy to see her. She brought them back to the palace, and they were also glad to be back home.

    They entered the palace, and the place looked better, no Lord Darkar, and no more darkness in the palace and misery feeling was gone. Everything was going back to normal. They went into the dining room hall, and they saw Prince Riven, his army, Ann, and the creature standing there waiting for their arrival. When they arrived they all bowed, and applauded. They were glad that LD was gone, and glad that the rightful heirs were back. Prince Riven came up to Princess Melody and he asked her if she’d like to go for a walk with him. She accepted, and form that moment on, Prince Riven and Melody were inseparable. They eventually had gotten married, and there was peace throughout their rein.