• Nightmares

    Wolves moved like spirits over the frozen forest. The trio ran threw the darkness, the wolves following them. Frozen flakes fell from the sky. Kiro, the one in the front was on his way to the other side of the forest. There, he would be able to kill the evil prince Zure. The wolves already caught them ounce, and IF they ever got out of the forest, Zure would kill them personally. If they encountered the wolves again, they would surely be dead.
    When the wolves caught the trio the first time, they had bitten them, leaving Yuki with a limp. Kiro’s leg was throbbing, Dark blood dripped out of all the fresh cuts they had. His clothe were ripped and destroyed, giving his chest no protection from the bitter cold. He had cuts on his face, legs, pretty much his whole body.
    Yuki ran with a terrible limp as she ran. Like the rest of her friends, her body was ripped up and cut by the wolves. She was behind the rest of her 3 friends. Suddenly, she felt a shadow grab her ankle. Teeth sank into her frozen flesh. A powerful jaw squeezed and held her, tripping Yuki. She felt is touch her bone. She couldn’t let loose a scream, whimper, not even a cry. It was obvious that the wolf caught her, and it was obvious that Yuki was DEAD.
    Chris knew it. He heard the crunch of the snow when she fell. He couldn’t hold back tears. They just poured out of his eyes, almost as fast as the seeping blood, leaving his body. He grew weak and tired. He was running out of energy. He breathed hard, gasping for air. He slowed down. He heard one of the wolves howl. Chris tried to speed up, but his lungs were to weak, and his legs were to tired. He heard the wolves trailing behind him. No, not now. I don’t want to die now. Chris thought to himself. He heard Kiro panting up ahead. It was to late. He heard the wolves bark, and the crunches in the snow with there powerful clawed feet. He looked back. They were close. “RUN”!!! Chris yelled. He tried to catch back his energy. It wasn’t enough though, his chest hurt. He knew he was going to die.
    He looked back ounce more and saw there razor sharp teeth with fresh blood dripping from them. They had black fur, mixed with a dark gray. They were like mad evil spirits that ran threw the night. Protectors of the castle, just minutes away. The full moon shined down, leading the blood thirsty beasts to the two friends that were left. They ran swiftly threw the dark areas of the woods known as the “Perishable Woods”. There red eyes made them look like demons. And there claws were like daggers. Their tails parted at the end with long, warm fur.
    Chris fainted. He couldn’t breath. Chris turned into the wolves dinner. Kiro ducked from tree branches. Thorns created new cuts for him. Kiro cried. He was all alone in the forest. He was in the deepest part in it. Finally, he saw a castle sitting on a mountain of ice. Almost there. He thought to himself. The angry pack of wolves sped up. One leaped and with its mouth wide open. He quickly closed his jaw down. His teeth sank into Kiro’s arm. Kiro fell to the ground lifeless, motionless……….DEAD.
    “WAKE UP!!! The exams are today”!!!!! Yuki opened the door and saw Kiro sleeping. Tossing and turning in a horrid nightmare. “Kiro? KIRO?” Yuki called to Kiro. No reply. Yuki ran over to shake him. She shook him as hard as she could. Kiro laid there motionless. She slapped him twice. Still no reply. “Oh My Gosh……..KIRO”, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Was Kiro dead???