This is the city of Ba Sing Se under Fire Nation control. Once a proud and strong kingdom, now Ba Sing Se is forced to hide it's true nature. Many benders were forced into the war, the others in prisons or hiding. All but fire benders, that is. The peace-maker between the nations, the Avatar, vanished. Now, he is just a well known legend among the people. Meanwhile, troops storm through the fallen streets. Curfews are placed, rules are enhanced. Most people have accepted this new way of living, their hope nonexistent. But still some believe that with time, change will come...
On the edge of the giant walls that once protected the great Ba Sing Se, lay a temple. It was the last one in the whole city. All other sacred temples were burned, most of them were named in honor of the Avatar. None dared to go near the last, not even Fire Nation guards would go near it. It was uninhabited until now...
Soshi Aikou"Wow! This place is great, Gyatso! How did you find it!?" A boy ran up the large stairs to the front of the beautiful shoji that lead into a temple. He had gray, stormy eyes with chocolate-colored, short hair. He wore a red and yellow turtle-neck zipped up jacket. On the top right corner of it were three Air Nomad symbols. His long black pants covered his black skater shoes. Aang opened the door in a hurry and ran inside. Gyatso slowly walked behind him. "Aang, do you like it?" he asked. The boy ran and bowed in front of the bald old man, that had a long white whisker-like mustache. The man laughed and hugged the boy. "Yes. This place is beautiful." Answered Aang. And it was. Inside the main hall, to the left, were three doors which opened up into bedrooms. The other side lead straight to he kitchen. The room which lead to the hall, was the gathering room. It had a bright yellow sofa and a short, wooden table which seemed to be made of red-wood. Gyatso had filled the house with furniture before showing Aang his new home. He gave him a big hug and a smile. Shortly, Gyatso began coughing harshly. Aang slowly lead him to the sofa to rest. "Don't work yourself too hard, Gyatso. I'll go make us some tea. Jasmine?" Aang rushed off leaving a gust of wind trailing behind him, the blue arrow on his black beanie turning blurry before Gyatso's watering eyes. He returned holding a tray of two cups and a steaming tea pot. "Aang, we must go to your new school today. I must enroll you so you can start tomorrow." He looked at Gyatso with hesitation. "Ok. But can't I still be home-schooled? Why must I have to go to a school with others? What if they don't like me?" he asked shyly. "Now my boy," he reassured him. "I'm positive you will make some great friends." Gyatso gave Aang a pleasant smile before sipping his tea. "But, you still could use a little work when making tea." They both laughed. He looked at the time. "We will leave in a few minutes. You may want to go and dress up a little." he said. "Sorry, Gyatso. I won't go there without feeling pride with what I'm wearing. After all, this is more of a normal outfit. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to wash my face." Aang left for the bathroom. Gyatso smiled. 'How he would miss this boy when the time came...'
Avatar: The Last Air bender Fanfic. By: Krystal J.
Chapter one
"Wake up, Katara. Time for school." Hakoda, shook his daughter awake. "Okay, dad, I'm getting up." she whispered sleepily. He walked out of her room and closed the door. Katara swung her legs to the side of the bed and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. Her eyes heavy, she reached her hand over a glass of water without realizing while looking for her watch. The water had raised high enough to touch her hand. She startled and it dropped back down almost tipping the glass. 'Careful with that, girl. Don't let it happen at school.' Katara rose slowly from her bed and walked to her closet. She took out a light blue thin shirt and a pair of blue jeans with holes at the knees. She walked from her room into the bathroom connected to it. Turning the cold metal handle, she giggled as the cold water handle had a Water Nation insignia and a Fire Nation insignia for the hot. Turning on the hot water and a bit of the cold she checked the water's temperature. It was cold so she undressed while awaiting the water to warm up. She placed her foot in the water before stepping in.
"Katara. Are you ready for school? It's about time you and your brother head out the door." GranGran called from downstairs. "Coming!" She grabbed her blue backpack and checked herself in the mirror. 'Looking good if I do say so myself'. She opened her door and made her way downstairs. Sokka was in the kitchen finishing up his breakfast. "I'm leaving!" Katara slipped on her shoes and walked into the still dark sky. The sun was already peeking through the trees. Katara hummed a sweet tune while she walked through the neighborhood. She soon heard Sokka walk out the door yawning and whining about how early he must wake up for school. As Katara came to the end of her street, she stood on the walk, waiting for her brother to catch up. "Jeez, why can't school start at two in the afternoon?" he complained. "Because, Sokka" she replied. "You have your tai-chi classes then, don't you?" He frowned. "But that's at school so it don't count." They kept walking as the sun rose. By the time they reached the school, it was almost time for class. "Hey guys!" Toph walked up to them casually. Katara knew a secret about her that not many others knew: Toph was an earth bender. She was blind but could see with her feet, feeling vibrations in the ground to pinpoint locations of people and objects. But so no one would really know her secret, she ripped the soles of her shoes plain out to make it look like she still had them, but could still see. Only her parents and closest friends knew. She had a slick mouth but was always slipped due to her blindness. "Hey, Toph." Katara greeted her with a hug. "Hey, Katara, the principle was looking for you. He told me to send you to his office." She shuttered. 'Great. Mr.Zhao the airhead.' "Ok. Thanks, Toph." She slowly walked through the crowds of people who were waiting around for the bell. Before she reached the door, someone called out to her. "Jet?" She spun around to see him in front of her. He had short, spiked, black hair with a tanned tone to his skin. She gazed up into his brooding brown eyes which always seemed as though they held well kept secrets. "Where you going?" he asked. "Mr.Zhao wants to see me." she answered. "Oh, sorry." he said with a sympathetic voice. "Hope you're not in trouble. See ya." He waved and walked back to his friends. 'Wow! He's so cool.'
Katara hesitated as she knocked on Mr.Zhao's office door. "Come in!" said a stern voice inside. She walked inside to see a boy standing in front of the window, gazing at her. "Miss Katara, I need to have your help for a moment." Mr.Zhao said from his leather chair. Outside the office, they heard the bell ring, and people shuffling along the halls, talking, laughing. "This is Aang. A new student." She waved at him. "Hi. I'm Katara." He smiled and said "Nice to meet you, Katara." She turned back to Mr.Zhao. "It appears that he has most of your classes. I want you to show him around the school. Keep an eye on him." He shot a glance at Aang. " I don't want him coming here everyday bugging me about his schedule." "Yes, sir." Katara motioned Aang out the door. ' Stupid Air-Head. Thinks that taking this boy around is a chore. I think I'm going to like this...alot.'

- Title: Soshi Aikou: Chapter 1
- Artist: Pluphchu
Avatar The Last Airbender *modern times* The Fire Nation has broken through the walls of Ba Sing Se. Many benders were forced into the war, the others in prisons or hiding. In this tale, friends will be made, family will be lost, and love will be found...
A:TLA belong to Mike and Bryan from Nickalodeon. - Date: 12/15/2008
- Tags: soshi aikou chap
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