• The cold of the cave brushed against her cheeks, stinging the bare flesh with their graceful presence.
    She would shiver herself dead; to stay like this would be a fools' mind only to belong to.
    "They will come," the girl rocked on her bottom in the cave. "They will come."
    Again, the mysterious gust of icy wind blew through the hollow cave and her shawl waved like a butterfly, taking it's warmth off of her freezing body.
    The girls' teeth imprisoned her bottom lip tightly and hot tears began to run down her cheeks like waterfalls of depression reminding her to backtrack.
    But the girl would never turn; For her mind had convinced her of wrongdoings that body of hers had committed.
    The cold on the girls' feet had froze them into place and she rocked forward onto the cold cave floor, her head resting against the wall of the cave and the wind knocking her fluttering shawl off of her shoulders to be lost forever.
    "Just like me," her lips muttered.


    A note lay pressed against the wood of my desk that morning; Glancing side to side, no one was in the room besides myself.
    "It must be a love letter," I smirked mischievously to myself, my eyes finding their way to the desk of the boy that sat in the row behind me.
    But no; the letter contained in the envelope was not from him, nor from anyone I knew.
    The heartbeat in my chest raced as my fingers danced around the edges of the folded paper that was pulled out and unfolded it;

    My dearest,

    The sins I have commited are unworthy of the life my shell carries right now; I may not stay, I must leave, and you shall come with me.
    A burning hot love races in my heart for you; my lust will not cease.
    Come in two days' time to the cavern of the witchely, and we shall begin together.
    My dearest Stark; share with me your warmth.

    My eyes traveled up to the ceiling and back down again as the note crumpled in between my light fingers.
    No girl would ever love Stark besides me; I know that of a fact.
    Whatever Wench dares to come between me and my love for him I shall shoot down like a mere child with a slingshot to a bird; I get what I wish.
    "I shall go visit this girl." I spoke to myself, my head shooting to the side and waving my hair into the air around me. "In this cavern of the Witchely."
    The blue backpack fastened around my shoulders as I walked out of the classroom, head held in high and smirked plastered across my face for what I am to do to this Daft girl; no one shall defy me.
    The chest of Stark lay in front of my face as the door opened in front of me.
    "Where are you going?" his voice rung into my ears like a heavenly singing. "Class shall begin soon."
    Again my lips curled into a smile as my head cocked upward, my eyes meeting the deep pool of blue in his. "To defend my honor."
    A look of confusion met his face, his eyes narrowed and swirling with question.
    As if they had minds of their own, my arms slid up his chest and around his neck gracefully, my left hand playing in his hair.
    "What?" Stark's confused voice rung again in the heavenly manner like a symphony in my ears.
    I stood up on my tip-toes and leaned in close to his face, smiling like an adorable and devilish cat.
    "Stark," My voice rung into his ears as I leaned in closer, pressing my own lips to his; the feeling made every nerve in me tingle with wonderful delight, and my feet felt as if they were lightly on top of clouds, swaying back and forth in the breeze.
    "I'll be back." was what I made out saying after our lips separated.
    Again, Stark and my eyes locked, causing tension in my arms and legs abruptly.
    Stark's look of confusion faded into nothingness, as so I wished for his barrier against loving me as much as I did him.
    "Okay." he closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to the back of my head like I was doing to him delicately, as If he was holding a newborn child. "I will wait."
    Our lips met again, causing my spine to shiver once more and the note for him rattled in the pocket of my blue coat to protect from the breeze. We parted ways and I looked back upon his form once as my own to legs lead me out the door of the school and my body felt so free and loved. My catlike smile appeared again, hardly able to hold itself back as my lips uttered two words that stayed in my head through the next happenings, that stayed in my head for the rest of my life.
    "I won."


    Wind blew against the bare flesh of my cheeks as I stood in front of the opening to the cave of the Witchely, large and blue.
    My footsteps echoed in the corridor happily as I walked in, looking side to side for the wench who dared try to steal my Stark from me.
    I was able to see in the cave; as the sunlight was bright enough to go as far back as any sensible human would go.
    Bats chirped at me angrily as I awoke them from their slumber and threw a rock at their annoying mouths, killing two of them that fell to the floor.
    "Stark?" A high voice echoed through the cave, rattling my bones. The voice held misery and unhappiness; depression and rage.
    "Your here." the voice said happily; it was coming from a little whiles down the cave, a bit darker than where I was standing now.
    Walking farther, my breath was visible in white clouds of chilled air as the atmosphere became freezing and terribly cold. This woman was stupid; she had tried to take MY Stark from me, as well as staying inside of a cold cave.
    A girl lay slain by the darkness on her side against the cold sandy ground by a sharp rock, no coat, blanket, shawl or anything to shield her from the harsh winds that rung through the walls of the cave repeatedly. She wobbled back and forth and stood up, falling forward into my arms and pressing her face into the curve of my shoulder invitingly.
    "I'm so happy," she sighed, wrapping her arms around me as if she was told to do so; it made me sick, her sheer pleasure of enjoying my Starks' presence in this disgusting cave that smelled like bat droppings.
    "I'm here," I told her, my hand pressing against the wool of my pocket coat. "To tell you no matter what, you shall never have Stark."
    The wench fell backwards onto her bottom, pushing herself back with her feet as her wide, bloodshot eyes stared at the pocketknife I held in my hand.
    Lunging forward, the sharp tip of my blade pressed into the soil right next to her, the shrill scream escaping from her lips making enough for a rock to crack in half.
    "Stark," she screamed as the tears ran down her face like a five-year old child. "Save me!"
    My teeth gritted together as I pressed her to the ground and sat on her stomach, keeping her down. The crumpled note came out of my pocket and her fearful eyes scanned the page.
    "Do you get it?" I shouted, slapping the side of her face with my right palm. "He will never love you."
    The girl cried for Stark to save her again, sending me into rage. My fists landed on her cheeks and stomach multiple times, blood gushing from her mouth like a small geyser.
    "Stark!" she screamed, ringing my ears like someone was pressing a razer into the lobes. "SAVE ME!"
    I lost my control and pressed the blade of the pocketknife into her heart, grinding it it to the very end where it would not go in much farther.
    The lifeless body of the girl grew ever colder as her dead eyes peered at me, her lips moving one final time. "No one," she made out, before coughing up a helping of blood. "Could love a monster."
    I grabbed the edge of the blade and drove it into her right eye, her final scream louder than any other I have ever heard.
    "Like I said," holding my hands over my own heart and plastering a smirk over my face in sheer delight. "Stark loves me."