• If anyone ever reads this again I’m Trey and well this is probably my last moment. It all started on January 2, 2023. That was the day.... the last day. Everyone, and everything was gone, the bombs destroyed it all. I'm probably getting ahead of myself; it was an ordinary day in the U.S.S.C. (the United States Space Camp) until about 4:00 A.M. That was when it happened it crashed into to us, the creatures. It didn't take long for them to turn out the lights... or chew them up. They couldn't be stopped, but if they weren't then; Earth would be destroyed. We were they only thing keeping it away from Earth. 2 long hours in the dark, wondering who's doing this; a prank, an emergency, or the captain. After that long two hours we heard them. They picked us out... one by one. The guards kept the creatures busy while the kids and women hid in a secret chamber. 5 minutes later there were footsteps coming from above. Then in a moment they were gone. One kid got tired of waiting and thought it was a joke. He carefully slipped away from the group and opened the trap door. He soon learned that this was no joke but it was too late. Not only did he practically commit suicide but he led them strait to us. I heard a scream, but it was too dark to see. I felt a slimy wet arm slip by my leg " Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" it bit me, not in the leg but somehow on my neck I felt blood trickle down my back it felt icy cold. The lights flickered nobody was in my sight, all gone.... I ran wondering if it was still attached. I ran and ran all the way to my quarters, and I locked my door.