• Her eyes were pressed against her knees. Streams of crystal water dribbled down them. She could hardly keep herself from falling to her side. Only her crippled white wings kept her sitting up right. They drooped to her sides, ruffling the feather against the pavement of a street alley.

    Her father, the man that banished her from the heavens, must be satisfied. He now held the power, the power that should have been for her. Her grandfather knew that his son would control with a wicked hand, but she was too young and powerless to stop him from taking the scepter. If only she was older.

    She continued to cry as the rain began, pasting her shimmering white hair to her legs.

    “You poor darling…”

    The girl looked up to a pearl coloured cat perched upon a barrel.

    “What is your name young one?”


    The cat closed its eyes and gave a faint smile. “That is a name I haven’t heard for sometime…I am Sola a fallen angel like yourself…”

    Tear looked away with her pale blue eyes. She could still not accept her fate. She must get back to heaven, her heaven. She got up and stumbled out into the street but she was pulled back by a tug on her wings.

    “You cannot go out there young one, not like that…”

    Tear looked to the cat that had its mouth firmly on one her tattered wings. “Let go of me, I must return…”

    “That’s easier said than done young one. You have still not experienced this world, so how do you expect to travel back to ours.”

    “I must…” Tear grabbed her head. A pain had suddenly irrupted and it was growing more with every passing second, until her mind cleared and she fell into unconsciousness.

    * * *

    Six months later, a white haired girl stood infront of a class of students no more than seventeen years old. All were staring at her, waiting for her to speak, to tell them her name and where she came from.

    “Sakeme Enzeru…I come from the north…” Sakeme sat down quickly in the corner of the class and put her reddening face down. She could hear the class’s murmurs; they must be laughing at her she thought. She felt a nudge at her shoulder. She peered up with one pale blue eye to see a boy, his hand extended to her and smiling at her.

    “Hi my name is Koui.” He continued to smile. His black hair curved around his face with only a few strands hovering over his eyes. They met with a small pair of glasses that passed down his nose.

    “Hi…” She sputtered trying not to seem nervous.

    “I know it’s kinda hard on the first day. I’m pretty new to but I could show you around the school during break…if it’s alright.”
    Sakeme looked to him and to his brown eyes. She could sense his sincerity and agreed to go with him with a simple nod of her head. Koui’s smile grew wider and he leaned back and put his hands behind his head.

    The rest of the class went by quickly. The teacher was very interesting to her. Talking all about this mysterious Algebra. The numbers made Sakeme’s head spin but she quickly memorized the equation and finished her work seamlessly before the class’s end. School would be most fun she thought.

    The bell rang and the class immediately got up from their chairs. Sakeme looked up from her equation book and noticed the boy from earlier standing infront of her desk. He was dressed in the standard boys uniform, black slacks, and a black long sleeved over shirt. He had the collar unbuttoned showing a small tuft of his white undershirt.

    “Sakeme right? You ready?”

    “Yes one moment I would like to finish this equation…”

    Koui walked around the desk and stared at her notebook. His eye’s widened to see that she was nearly finished today’s lesson. “Holy…you know we have time after break to finish that…like the rest of the day…”

    “What’s wrong with doing it now?” Sakeme said curiously.

    “Nothing’s wrong with it but you’ll have nothing to do for the rest of the class…”

    “But this book contains so many questions, how could I possibly finish by the end of the class…?”

    “Uhh…your only suppose to finish this page by the end of class. We will be doing the next page tomorrow and so on till the end of the year.”

    “Then why give us this book when we only do one page…?”

    He stared into her eyes and wondered what could be possibly wrong with her. A once timid girl had turned into an answer hungry new girl. He knew that she wasn’t from here but it’s like she never went to school before. He cleared his throat and whipped the stunned expression from his face. “Look I don’t know the answer to that…we just do it OK?”

    “Alright whatever these schools will do I shall follow…I must fit in, yes?”

    “Uhh…sure lets just go we only have twenty-five minutes.”

    Koui reached down and helped Sakeme up from her desk and then exited the classroom. Kids were talking at their lockers, finishing their homework and eating their lunches as the two of them made their way outside.

    “This school is very nerve racking, I must say, everything is so open where I come from. Endless clouds it’s quite pleasant…”
    “It must be kinda hard for you to live in the city…”

    “Not very much actually, I was scared at first but Sola, my guardian, cares for me now. I’m fine…I am even starting to enjoy myself.” Sakeme giggled and pointed to a weird contraption on the wall. “Oh, what is that Koui?”

    He blankly smiled. “That’s a water fountain…”

    “But there is no water!”

    “Well you got to press this button to make the water come out…” Koui reached down and pushed in the valve. The water shot out of the spout, which made Sakeme jump back in excitement.


    “Not really…but I guess it could be if you haven’t seen one for the first time.”

    “Yes, Yes, like that large black mouth that spurts out music.”

    Koui’s mouth dropped open. Yes, she had definitely lost her timid appearance from this morning. “You mean the piano in the music room?”

    “Oh, so that’s what it is called. A PI-A-NO, wondrous!” Sakeme smiled and looked out into the courtyard of the school. She could see people running around a large pool of water, jumping hurdle, talking and sitting.

    “This is the courtyard. I usually hang out here cause I like to play tennis at lunch and after school. There’s a swimming pool and a track here too as you can see.”

    He could see Sakeme’s eye’s twinkling in the sunlight. He’d never seen someone this distant from society before and in away he found it somewhat brilliant. She was innocent and pure from this society, a quality that most people these days don’t have. It was calming in a way.

    Sakeme grabbed his arm and pulled him to the tennis courts cage. “So this is…your fun?”

    “Well it’s not just my fun lot’s of people play it.”

    “It’s so fascinating…” She continually watched the green ball float back and forth between the net. It truly was a good day. Earth wasn’t as bad as the stories foretold. The stories told that earth was the birthplace of evil but all she could see was happiness amongst the students. The scriptures weren’t all true.

    “Koui I thought I told you to get away from my tennis court…” Sakeme turned to a husky deep sneer behind her. A large student stood there, a massive frown on his face. His eyes were shadowed from his hair and his jaw was thin. Sakeme could sense an evil aura from him and she tensed back into the fence.

    “Look Baiorensu this isn’t your court. I’m just showing Sakeme around…”

    Baiorensu looked over to the trembling girl behind Koui and smirk extensively. “Hey there beautiful, why are you hanging out with this loser? Your pretty face should be by my side.”

    He reached towards her with his hand but Koui batted it away. “Leave her alone!”

    Baiorensu cuffed Koui in the stomach and raise him up by his neck. Koui coughed and gasped but could hardly get a breath. “Trying to be the tough guy huh…?” The bell rang and Baiorensu’s smile grew further to his ears. “I guess we can be alone now, no one’s going to save you this time…” He pushed Koui into the fence and held him there.

    “Let me go…!”

    Baiorensu laughed. Only the three of them remained there now and he was readying himself to punch Koui before beginning his assault.

    Sakeme eye’s watered as she watched Koui fall to the floor from the series of blows that Baiorensu had just delivered. He began to kick him and she fell to her knees. There was evil here after all. She couldn’t bare it anymore she had to do something, even if Koui saw her true form.

    She placed her hands to her chest and whispered softly. A flare of white light burst from her chest and a united onto her back. Tattered wings grew from the back of her shoulders and her uniform turned to a long flowing white dress.
    “I know what you are…there’s no point to pretend you’re human anymore…” Sakeme clashed her fists together and two sharp large rings appear in her hands.

    Koui stared as best as he could towards her, his eye’s trying to widen threw the great white light. The light dimmed and Sakeme remained but with massive torn wings.

    Baiorensu looked to her and creaked his neck sideways until his head was looking at her from a horizontal view. “So the rumors were true, the Princess of Angels is here.” He cackled and twisted his head until it was upside-down.

    Koui could hardly believe what he was seeing. He looked to the sky but it had grown a dark haze, as did everything around them. Everything had a hue of dark purple; it made him wince all the way to his core.

    Sakeme looked to him and smiled. “Everything will be alright Koui. I’ll take care of this.”

    Baiorensu lurched forward and seven spikes emerged from his back and several arms from his side. In a few short seconds, he changed completely into a centipede type creature.

    “You’ll be a perfect meal princess, I haven’t had an fallen angel in sometime.” The husk in his deep voice had now turned into a hiss and it followed by a tremendous screech.

    He launched down towards her but she dodge easily. She took a few slices at him before positioning herself in front of Koui, who was still in shock from what he was seeing. Sakeme looked towards him and then back to Baiorensu. He was big but very slow; she just needed to find the source of his demonic power. She clashed her rings together and an aura sprang forth from them. It passed over Baiorensu and she saw the faint twinkle of a sphere in the middle of his back.

    He twisted up and came down on her. Fearing if she jumped out of the way that he’d kill Koui she held her ground and blocked his mouth pincers with her wings. He stumbled back and the wings burned away his pincers.

    Taking the opportunity Sakeme lunged forward and planted her hands on the ground. She sprang up from her handstand and flipped over the extended jaws of Baiorensu. She flapped her wings to give her a bit more distance and impaled her rings into the sphere. A loud screech echoed through the courtyard and Baiorensu fell flat for a moment before wrenching back and forth. Sakeme held her ground looked towards the sky. The dark cloud’s dissipated around them and the rays of the sun beamed down upon them. Baiorensu began to sizzle and melt away from the light and within minutes was gone. All that remained was a dark red sphere no bigger than a baseball and Sakeme.

    She looked to Koui who had now gotten to his feet. He held his shoulder and when she stepped towards him he stepped back.
    “What are you…?”

    Sakeme pale skin turned red and tears swelled up in her eyes. She ran to him retracting to her previous human form. She held him tightly to her and whispered a phrase.

    Koui stood there in her arms and looked over her white hair. He watched as the clouds reseeded and everyone returned to the schoolyard. Time was reversing itself and he didn’t understand why. He could only think it was a dream or was it? He looked down to Sakeme again and he felt the same calming presence as before. Her eyes reassured him that this wasn’t a dream and she would tell him everything that happened.

    She whispered, “I am Tear of the Angels…”