• Memories
    Long has it been...since there was news from the Dark (but lame)Lord Fenrir .It seems it was only yesterday Axton and Zelcroft betrayed Fenrir and caused chaos in the town of Siix-hash . At first the Dark Lord...at first FENRIR was a short-tempered but brave knight of Siix-hash but the betrayal of his friends caused Fenrir to transform into The Dark Lord.

    Now ,the two Siix-hash knights,Zelcroft and Axton are working for the army of wan-hash in the town of Lahh-Sal.The portal to the new town of Lahh-sal was meant to erase the memories of new comers but everyday,memories of the two knights from the past,during the days of the Dark Wars return bit by bit,pieces to a puzzle of memories forming a whole.

    The Past
    The town ablaze , the Dark Lord rules over the town of siix-hash and soon will conquer all of Chen Mow,the Dimension of Peace. Scarlet flare round every house and shop,the villagers fled from their houses escaping the clutches of the Dark Lord.The sky glows crimson as the Dark lord 's minions destroyed the town, These minions were carried by a beast strong enough to support them , some of the knights of siix-hash were still alive, fighting for justice and freedom,they too were on a mighty stallion ,causing the 'Lift Wars' of 2007.

    The present
    Zelcroft and Axton,now knights of wan-hash are weak and are underestimated by their fellow knights as they were newly recruited a few months ago.Messengers from around Malay-sia,our world, have said to seen Fenrir causing mischief around the Dimension of Srii-ootama.The mighty duo,Zelcroft and Axton await their evil nemesis.