• A Wolf's Journey

    Chapter 1: Daceria
    "This world I live in is full of danger no matter where I turn. I was born in the village but, I was abandoned by my mother and father. I found out from my mother that my father had saved us from the hunters, not long after my mother was killed by a demon of some sort. My mother never mentioned his name, the only thing I knew of him isthat he isthe king ofthe wolves making me the princess. I'm the last of the klan but not the last of the half wolves.
    "I have my little sister to take care of, I found her when she was a baby inside a tree which I made my home. I gave my little sister her name, Forest, it fits her perfectly. I'm seventeen now and she's twelve. She decided to move to the village and look for a mate. I told her to be aware of demon hunters; and demons. She left with her belongings and I haven't seen her since. Sometimes I wonder if I too, should leave the forest and go to the village. I decided for meto stay at my home,it's the safest place for me to lay on the branches and relax, far away from the evil mortals. I promised myself never to befriend them."
    "I was born on the night of the full moon so my father named me Daceria, after him. I'm half wolf, half human. I'm cursed because every night there is a full moon, I stay human until sun rise. Everytime this happens. I stay inside my house with all the doors locked. I know that someday I'll have to go to the village to find my sister but for now I must remain in the forest."
    Meanwhile in the village he was packing his clothes, and materials for his new home. He couldn't believe he had his own sercet tree that opened up to a underground house. His brother Ryan had told him he was crazy for wanting to live in the forest with all those demons. He told him,he wouldn't bother them, ifthey did't bother him. He then showed him,his sword, and his pocket knife. Even if they bothered him, they wouldn't last long.
    "I hope you know what your doing."Ryan said as he left the house and ran into the forest. He stopped when he reached a big tree standing all by itself at the edge ofthe forest. He pulled a branch and then descending dwon the stairs.
    "Wow, that couch is huge!"he says as he jumps onto it. He relaxes as he thinks about his past. His parents had died saving him, and his little brother Ryan from a pack of demons. He was six at the time when they passed away, and Ryan was four. He took care of him until he turned ninetheen. Now tht he had a girlfriend he basically kicked him out, and that's how he had found his home. It's a nice house bt whenever he went outside he would get attacked by demons. He promised himself never to be friends with a demon. He thought all demons are the same evil and viocous. He decided to fall asleep on the couch.
    Daceria went outside and climbed her tree to relax against the tree sitting on a branch.
    "I wonder where my sister is? I can't go into the village until night though. I'll go see her tonight when everyone else is asleep." The moon rose and she started heading toward the village. She stopped when she saw a human walking into the forest. She stopped when she gazed upon a human walking slowly into the forest. Immediatly she hid behind a nearby tree as the human walked into the forest, and hid cautiously behind the tree as the human passed without noticeing her. Then she raced into the village and bumped into Forest.
    "Sister. Your here you came to see me."Forest said hugging her sister.
    "It's nice to see you Forest. Where are you living these days?" She said as she embraced her younger sister.
    "OVer there in that small hut. She says pointing to a small hut across from where they were. "Daceria, are you ever going to come visit me again?" she asks not wanting Daceria to leave so soon.
    "Yeah, someday I'll be back and if you ever need me, I'll be at my tree waiting." Daceria said giving her one final hug, then she ran into the forest. She reached her tree and enters just as the risign sun came into the morning sky.
    Daceria left and Forest was sad but she knew she'd be back one day so she entered her hut and fell asleep on her bed. She dreamt that Daceria and herself were both happily married in the future. When she woke she realized what she wanted was to fall in love.
    Adam awoke in the middle ofthe night smelling the scent of demons. He grabbed his weapons and went outside. When he saw no one he headed toward the village. Whatever it was it was hiding from him. He decided there was no danger and started to head back to his tree.
    The demons saw him and were dciding if they should attack or stay hidden. The bos of five demons said they should attack him because they had the human outnumbered. They attacked him. Adam turned and struck them with his sword. The five demons slashed at his weapon only to be repelled. Adam kept with his attacks swinging his sword back and forth. He killed them one by one when they were all dead, he dropped to his knees on the ground.
    Chapter 1 to be contiued in next entry.

    I am the FutureFamousWriter. Believe it or not someday I will be famous and all those who dare to tease and hurt me so much will clap at my novels.