• Ky awoke to a warm fire and soft grass beneath him. "Where am I?" He asked nobody in particular.

    "You're in my way." A familliar voice grumbled.

    Ky turned and saw who he expected, Natako. The memories of earlier that evening blasted into his head. He stepped away from him and almost raced towards the other direction but froze when he saw the blade pulled out from from his sleave.

    "please don't kill me!" He begged as he stared at the knife.

    "Kill you? Hah I want to be your friend not kill you." He laughed. "I think you're very cute." He stopped laughing but kept smiling and staring at Ky.

    "Wait, what?!" Ky looked up in surprise at bieng called "cute". "Me? Cute? But I'm a guy!" He explained.

    "I know... but you're still adorable." He sighed and started skinning a rabbit.

    "O...kay... I'll just sit over here and wait for you to finish." Ky sat on the soft grass on the opposite side of the fire. Natako finished skinning the rabbit and started slicing it up.

    "Mom..." Ky mumbled absentmindedly. He realized she was gone forever and teared up again. He sniffled and pulled his knees up to his chest and hid his face in them.

    "So now I'm adorable?!" He questioned as his face turned red with embarresment.