• My name is Edward. this story starts about a year ago so let me take you back to the start.....I woke up got dressed in black skinny jeans and I put on my green shirt that read "Just cause i am emo doesnt mean I have no feelings" I have no idea where I got hat shirt but its my favorite. I walkd to the bus stop it was so cold i thought that i might snow. then right before the bus stopped it started to snow white little flakes. I got on the bus and walked to the last sit on the bus and sat down. i looked up and everyone moved away from me. I but my purple Ipod head phones in my ears and turned it all the way up i was listening to Hawthorne Heiaghts life on stand by...thats a song that i cry too. not the story really starts...

    Readers note: this is really boring but if you want wait longer for some more....