Chapter 2
Midnight P.O.V;
I awoke in my dorm quite alone, but not really. The other girl was snoring rather loudly, that and the subtle dripping in the wash room. I sighed wishing I had something more to cuddle up to rather then the small pillows on my new bed. I turned on my side and tried to get a good look at the time. My eyes were still adjusting to the light and red neon flashing blur gave me a headache. I groaned and buried my head into the covers. The girl's snoring ceased and all I could do was listen.
It had to have been about two hours of me just lying in the covers waiting for the day to begin, waiting to see his face. " You're awake, " the girl said sitting up in her bed. I turned on my side to look at her, her bed positioned right beside mine. She looked me over and smiled, and I found myself getting uncomfortable. " You must be midnight, " she said with the huge smile eatting up her face, " I'm Leslie. " She had extended her hand like she expected me to jump up and shake it. I rolled my eyes and turned back on my side, morning people were just odd.
Music filled my ears as I slowly opened up my eyes, I groaned. I threw my hand over towards my beside table and tried to hit the alarm clock. I failed and it just went toppling down on the carpet floor. The music ceased and a loud screeching sound took its place. Leslie jumped over to my bed like a rabbit and I had to contain the shock that overwelmed me. " Sooooooooo, what are you going to wear for your first day of schoool, " she practically yelled at me. I rubbed my eyes with my palm and stared at her directly for the first time. Leslie was the perfect name for this girl. She had long straight brown hair with huge brown eyes, a face of a child with high cheek bones. Tan complexion, and not entirely lanky body. Maybe she was growing into it, I shrugged. " You have to decide quickly, class starts in 20 minutes, " she said jumping off my bed. The shock had returned and I quickly turned towards the fallen alarm clock, thus far falling on the alarm clock and off the bed. I was nearly suffocated by the comforter that came with me, and the jagged edges of the plastic in my back didn't quite help. " Just kidding, " she said giggling. I narrowed my eyes and tried to pry the comforter and sheets off my body while on the floor. " You have some really cute clothes, mind if I borrow this sometime, " she said from across the room. I raised my brow and stood up to see what she was holding, she was really freaking me out. She looked through the rest of our closet and started rambling off. I did a mental take of her and shivered. One year with her, I wonder If I could get a new dorm mate.
I was dressed, I had taken my shower, I was ready to leave the dorm. I looked back at the bed, stared at in agony. No, no I wasn't. I was tired, the snoring; the long trip here, I was exausted. I slowly shut the dorm door and peered around the corners of the hallway. He would be up in his dorm right now, I could go and check on him. I was for it, and I walked down the hall, up the stairs, through the grass, down the sidewalk, up the sidewalk and into the guy's dormitories to figure out that I didn't know where the hell his room was. I mentally kicked myself and stared at the guy walking towards me in only his boxers. I looked away, and then he spoke to me. " Lost, " he said mockingly. I rolled my eyes and walked on. Not that I knew where I was going, but to make a point. He didn't say anything else, and he didn't trod up to me to say anything witty. I sighed, it would have been nice. A breeze of thick air went up my nostrils and I knew where he was. I followed the scent to the last door of the hallway and stood awkwardly breathing it in. I knocked gentlely on the door, a small smile reaching my face. A somewhat attractive guy, definitely not my type, opened the door letting the breeze flow out. I made a motion of my arms to bring it closer to me, and he just tilted his head. " Are you okay, " he asked with somewhat of a grin. I looked up at him with a huge grin on my face, " Better then I've been in a long time. " He nodded knowingly and let me in the room with no futher questions. He walked over to the bed that was most likely his and sat down, he motioned for me to follow. I found myself doing so, and sat down beside him. He grabbed the pipe from the bedside table and opened a small baggie, " My roomate is in the shower, he should be out soon. If he asks, just say its mine, " he said filling the pipe. I nodded now really understanding what he meant. He pulled out a lighter from his pocket and lit it up, taking a huge take. I watched him, maybe he thought this was my first time. He pushed the smoke out and passed the pipe to me, I smiled. I'd show him. I took the pipe in my hands and grabbed the lighter he was holding out to me, I took in a big take and swallowed the smoke. My throat burned as the hot smoke hit it, and my lungs gave a big jump. I breathed the smoke out and passed it back to him. He fumbled with the pipe in his hands, he was already at his peak.
Fate Escapes Me 2
Klepto Chibi
New school, New Life, Change; It had always been the same for us. Except when we moved here. Something stepped in that path, something sweet; something loving and kind, something so incredibly evil.
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