• One day this really young,very mysterious,and intelligent girl was reading a book alone
    in her room.She go's by the name Isabella and is a very smart 12 yr.old girl,who lives with
    her father. Isabella just like her father loves to read and write,but mysteriously strange
    things happen when she reads aloud,or writes stories that may come true.her father has a job
    as a book binder and before this he actually was a storyteller,but he quit after he had
    found out about his and Isabella's capabilities.
    Isabella lives with her father,who she calls Papa,in a pretty small yet big enough house
    in a nice small town,Camisado of Inkheart. Isabella's mom died long when she was 8 yr.s old
    in an accident.They both stayed in the hospital praying for her to get better for weeks and
    she never did and just passed away. They all prayed after her mother died for her to be
    happy and that they would always remember her. After that Isabella really hadn't even slept,
    ate,or talked so it was pretty quiet around their small house,including their town.
    Isabella was reading her book in the dark with only her small night light she had for
    reading and she was sitting in the corner when she thought she heard her father.
    "Papa" she said curiously and nervous. She walked into the hallway out side of her room and
    called her father again.Then she finally gave up and walked to the kitchen and saw a note
    with her papa's handwriting on it.
    "Isabella I left for an errand,
    I'll be back by sundown. don't worry I'm fine"
    Isabella threw it in the garbage and murrmured to herself,"Why does he always leave like
    this." then she thought,"Wait Papa would never just leave without checking on her first."
    She got really scarred and put her coat on and walked out into the pouring rain.
    When she was walking alone in the dark streets,because it already past sundown and she got
    even more worried she saw a poor little kitten wandering in the streets. There was a car
    coming and she didn't want the cat to get ran over,so she dashed as fast as she could to
    rescue that poor thing. As the cat and her were flying across the street dodging for life
    they hit the ground rather hard and Isabella had a big scrape on her arm that was bleeding.
    Isabella had no need to go rush home though when her father was probably in serious danger.
    "You owe me big time kitty." she whispered. The cat just licked his paw and nodded off to
    sleep. Isabella had no other choice but to put the cat in a warm spot of her coat so she
    snuggled the sleeping cat inside her coat and walked on in the dark.
    Of course how could she see in the dark,well the cars gave enough light that she can see
    fine until her eyes started to get blurry and before she knew it she fell unconscious.
    Her father was walking in the street 5 blocks down and when he came to her he gasped.
    "What in the world!" "Issy!" "Issy!" He carried her home and the cat too.He lied her in bed
    and saw that the poor cat had not eaten since,well awhile now and he could see his ribs so
    he set a bowl of milk down on the floor for him to lick up.
    "Papa...where am I?" he heard her say in her sleep. At that line he began to get really
    worried about his daughter.He also felt her head and it was burning up.