Chapter 1: Mercury
It was a particularly dark night that night. There was a new moon so there was nothing to light up the sky with. A scientist hovers over a cadaver with a assortment of
"Okay, easy now.... there. Now." The scientist felt a wave of sound flow over him
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM CRASH. "*Koff Koff*.... gaa stupid, stupid, stupid. I should of known the cumbustable part would be effected by the hemoglobin in the blood" The scientist looked around the room. The walls where layered with soot and ash. He looked around for his cadaver but to no avail. "even with the Hemoglobin, it shouldn't have exploded like that." He stood up and shifted around to his desk and reached for his log book. "Okay." he ran his hand through his thick brown hair and felt how greasy it had become. Due to the excitement of the experiment he forgot to take a shower that morning. "I should get a hair cut tomorrow. anyway, Log: 199 Day:27 Month:OX Year:1274 mixing liquid combustibility with a metal covering dose not fuse nor supply the arm with the right energy. Failed to rebond." The scientist stood up with book and hand and, making his way to the window, started flipping through previous experiments. "Log:134 Day:10 Month:UX Year:1274 Dry Ice did not cool down the skins surface enough for metal to fuse with it. Failed to rebond.
Log:111 The lack of insulin in the blood (AKA diabetes) is no more susceptible to fusion. Failed to Rebond. Log:88 Failed to rebond. Failed to rebond. failed to rebond.
Damn!!" the scientist through the book int the darkness of the home. He herd a loud bang. "*sigh* i just need to get some sleep"
* * * * * * *
there was a blanket of clouds that covered the sky that morning. But there was a slight break in the clouds. Just enough to hit the scientist in his left eye.
"Hmmmm. *yawn* ahhhhh. I sleep good." he got out of bed, took a shower, dressed in his usual attire which was black pants with a dress shirt and a leather long coat. He then lef his house and left for town.
He made his way past the town gates and went into the nearest coffee shop. He sat down across the room from some women who where dressed in rather revealing cloths.
"leaves nothing to the imagination" thought the sciantist. As soon as he got his drink he started to read the paper. The ladies started to talk and the scientist, which had excellent hearing, decided to eavesdrop.
"Who is he?"
"he's the scientist that works for Kunijuu."
"Is he trying to help Kunijuu win the war agented Quill?"
"I don't know but hes kinda cute... hard to believe hes a scientist he looks soo young. ohh well, I'm not into the brainy type."
"That's because your not the brainy type" Wile the two woman laughed at the other, and the other women tried to defend her intelligence, the scientist stood up and, with a smirk, left the coffee shop.
He walked down the street. All of a sudden he herd a voice from behind him.
"Professor Willtsonburg!" a little girl with gold colored hair and bright blue eyes ran up to the scientist.
"Ahhh Amie. good to see you. Now, you know I hate my name. Call me Will."
"Ok Professor Will. Hay, what was that explosion last night?"
"Ohh it was another failed experiment. I need to Go to the butcher to and get a new body.... I'm not sure where he gets them but I'm not complaining."
"What chemical's did you use professor will?"
"Well I used liquid combustibility with a iron plating around the arm but the combustibility combined with the hemoglobin... and... you probably don't get any of this."
"Yes I do! Combustibility is the ability to catch on fire and hemoglobin is a chemical found in blood that allows red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body." Will paused for a wile. "whats wrong professor Will?"
"you now that thing about blonds? it's not true" Amie gave Will a confused look.
"you'll understand when your older. now tell your mom I said 'good morning'"
"what are you talking about professor Will? It's afternoon already."
Will gave Amie a surprised and terrified look.
"What's wrong professor Will?"
"I- I- I need to g- go" Will then ran off in into the streets like a crazed lonitick. His run turned into a sprint. Luckily for him he had a four year military training so he would not run out of stamina so easily. Still at his panicking caused him to take short rasping breaths and he was starting to pant. He soon came up on two men dressed in black. "Gentalmen! *Huff Huff* I have the *Koff Koff Koff* the results for the results from the experiment over the past three days." Will reached for his Log book but it wasn't in his pocket. He suddenly remembered last night when he through it into the darkness of his home, he didn't pick it up. "I- I have the book but... if you wait here I..."
"Please Professor Willtsonburg." One of the men stepped foreword "You have been late for your report five times now. You leave us no choice, please turn in your license"
Will looked at the two men with desperation but they just looked back at him, cold and hard as a rock. Will felt like his world was crumbling around him. He reached for his license and handed it over to the man.
The men started to walk away but then one of the men looked back at him "Kunijuu no longer sees you as a scientist. You will be payed retirement funds but you must refrain from divulging any of Kunijuu's secrets. Good day Mr. Willtsonburg Van Arnoldsten." Will's heart sunk. He walked away in a daze, he couldn't believe it. All that training, all that research, all that man-power, gone.
Will walked into the local alchemist shop to tell the shop keeper that his best client has been booted so he doesn't need his supply's anymore.
"Morning Will!"
"Mornin' Stav"
"What's wrong? You look like someone died."
"Bad news. I was booted from Kunijuu. I am no longer a scientist"
"What!?! This is horrible! We are gonna go out of buissiness! This is an outrage! You're the best damn scientist I know!"
"I'm the only scientist you know."
"But how..."
"Failed to return report"
"When did..."
"Just now."
"But coulden..."
"I could be killed"
"What if..."
"Hostage attempts won't work."
"Well aren't you going to help me think!?!?!"
"It was my fault. I deserve it."
"Ohh!! this is terrible! I just ordered all this Mercury!! what am I..." Will just then had an idea.
"Ya. We just ordered Mercury and since you don't need it..."
"I'll take all of the viles you have!"
"Will you let me finish a ga' damn sentience?... Wait what?
"I have one more page in my log book. One last chance" Will used all the money he had to buy the Mercury. He took the box containing the viles and ran down the road. He thought to himself "If doesn't work... I'll..."
Amie intersected him in the street. "Professor Will," Will Flinched "Where did you go to in such a hurry to? Whats in the box? Where you crying? your eyes look red" Will rubbed is eyes, patted Amie on the head, Smiled the most gentile smile he could
this was a story I thought of about a year ago. i put it in my journal but no one read it..... so now that there is a writing arena I guess I'll give it another go!
depending on the comments I'll make more
the first two chapters where made a year ago so you might see a change after chap 2
please excuse any spelling mistakes i may have missed *bows*
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