• Chapter 7 - The Summer's Dance.

    Drakutha woke up,Yawned silently,And got dressed.Today was the day of the Summer Dance.He felt happy inside,and excited.He was going with Audrey Flirkans.He imagined holding her soft hair,and dancing peacefully with her.Her arms on him,His arms on her.Holding eachother lightly and softly.

    He walked out of the dorm,Holding his notebook in his right hand.He walked down the stairs,Looking at the beautiful portraits of the previous Headmistress' and Headmaster's.They sit in their desks on the first day of being Headmasters.Drakutha wondered how that felt,To rule the school.

    He lightly sketched a picture of Audrey,With much detail.He was thinking of Audrey deeply.And he was thinking of how much of a dork he was since he spent his break hours drawing,But most girls found that romantic.He finished drawing her hair and lay the notebook down on a corner table.

    "Frogsboden",he said as he faced the portrait to exit."Wrong,Sir.",she said.Drakutha frowned and noticed a piece of paper on the floor.'The password to the portrait is Granath.',The piece of paper read."Uh..Granath.",Drakutha said,The portrait swung open.

    He shrugged and left the piece of paper in a trash bin next to a window nearby.Hoping not to forget the password by midnight,If he did.He would not be able to get in to the room after the dance.He walked through the hall and spotted Audrey talking to Professor Wardle.

    Professor Wardle bid Audrey goodbye,Then Audrey walked toward Drakutha."Hey Drakutha,So..The dance,Exciting isn't it?",she said."Yeah,Very!",Drakutha replied.She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.Then she left.

    He dazed at her as she walked away,Then he shook his head and Yawned again.Drakutha walked down to the Great Dining Hall to eat his late breakfast,Drakutha had some buttery french toast,and some orange juice.He devoured every second,Yet he only thought about Audrey.

    The dance was in 2 hours.He walked to Gypraskin,"Granath.",He said.He entered the main room and travelled up the stairs to the boy's dorm.He slipped on his tuxedo and tightened the tie he was wearing,He smiled and put on his shoes.Two hours wasn't long,And he had no classes to go to.

    The dance was big for somebody like him,He got excited the minute they announced it.But of course,The death match for the prisoners was exciting too.That was going to be soon,August 11-September 30th.He standed up straight and looked in the mirror,Charming!

    Lets fast forward to the dance..

    Drakutha walked into the Great Dining Hall,Where they would be holding the dance.He saw Audrey in a beautiful red dress with a rose near the right sleeve.He took a deep breath and walked over to her proudly."Hello Audrey,You look beautiful tonight.",he said.Audrey smiled.

    "Thankyou Drakutha,You look Charming aswell.",she replied.Drakutha felt confident with himselve.Elrokk walked in the Hall and saw Drakutha."Hey Drakutha!",he said gleefully,still glancing around."Hey Elrokk,looking for your date?",Drakutha asked.

    "Yeah",Elrokk replied nervously."Did you see Maril Maldi anywhere?",He asked."Yeah,She's right over there by Dillon Hardmer.",Drakutha said."Aw man..",Elrokk added on.Drakutha laughed,They were having a great time!He glanced around but just continued dancing.

    A band played jazz music,There was punch,Chips,and other sort of snack foods at a long table in the corner.Audrey loved dancing and singing.She even had the nerve to get up on stage and start singing!There was lots of magical creatures there such as dwarfs,trolls,and famous sorcerers.

    After the night,Drakutha walked to Gypraskin with Audrey,"Granath",Audrey said.They walked in and cuddled in a warm blanket by the fireplace.They fell asleep,Seirta and Elrokk walked in with their dates,And chuckled."Just let him sleep.",Seirta said.Hours passed,Drakutha still cuddled with Audrey.