• Chapter 1
    "You must protect the Princesses of Heart at all costs. If you fail, the heartless will devour every world with nothing to stop them. The King can explain more than I can, but you must hurry!"
    The witch's words seemed to continually ring in Brilly's mind as she walked towards the Audience chamber. 'Maybe I shouldn't do this', she thought, ' maybe she has the wrong girl. I don't think I’m ready for this yet.' She reached to the door and tapped it against her better judgment. It sounded like firecracker against the stillness of the castle." Come in" a shrill voice, almost like a mouse's squeak, responded. She took a deep breath and opened the door.
    Brilly gasped as she entered the magnificent hall. It looked like it was a hall for a giant. She guessed it was about thirty feet high. The marble floors and walls sparkled with the sunlight she let in. A plush velvet carpet led straight to the throne where the King and Queen sat waiting expectantly.
    She hurried up to them and curtsied, her long, red, curly hair flowing off her shoulders. "You sent for me, your Majesty?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly. King Mickey looked at her amazed. “Are you Brilly from the world Kingdom Over Heaven?"
    "I am sir, is there anything wrong?" Brilly asked, standing up, fear overcoming her.
    "No, just that I didn't think the Witch would send a child,"
    Brilly looked at her feet. 16 years old and at 5'5", she knew that she was young and short, shorter than any person she knew. Back home, people called the most beautiful person in all Kingdom Over Heaven, with her blue eyes, long flowing red hair, and slowly growing figure. She knew she wasn't, but if it encourages people to visit her, why would she care what people think. Maybe the Witch was right, maybe she was as conceited as Gal.
    "It doesn't matter now, we have no more time to get someone else. All the worlds are in grave danger. A sorceress named Maleficent is slowly gaining control of the heartless and is about to attempt to unlock the keyhole of Hollow Bastion, a powerful world that, if taken over by the heartless, could very well give Maleficent enough power to control all worlds." King Mickey told her as calmly as if they were over for tea. She jerked her head up and stared at him, terror in her eyes. She didn't realize the Heartless had grown that strong. They had always been under control back home. Now she knew what little the Witch had known. "Please, tell me what I must do."
    "You must find the seven princesses of heart and protect them for they are the key to unlocking the keyhole. Their names are -" "THE HEARTLESS!" screamed Queen Minnie, pointing towards the door. Brilly turned around quickly. What seemed like a dark, moving fog was swirling inside the hall. As the heartless got closer, she saw they were small dark creatures, with bright yellow eyes and feeler-like things poking out the top of their heads.
    "Here, take these! You need to fight them off and get back to your ship!" the King yelled as he handed her a pair of arm blades. "They’re Emerald Shells, made to fight off heartless. Don't lose them, they allow you to connect to with an ambassador from every world. Now go and hurry!" he ran towards the swarm of heartless with a golden key in his hand.
    She put on the blades and ran towards the exit, slashing every heartless that got in her way.
    Chapter 2
    Brilly ran out to the hedge cut like a castle and stopped to take a breath. She heard the heartless catching up and ran towards the drawbridge of the castle. She stopped and looked more closely at the door. There was a letter with the king’s symbol on it. She took it and ran inside to the gummi hanger. She ran down the steps and skidded to a halt in front of Chip and Dale. “What’s wrong?” they asked in unison. “Heartless…storming the castle,” she said breathlessly, “Ran as fast as I could to get back to the ship…” She heard a crash behind her, but before she turned around, something heavy collided with her head and plunged her into darkness.
    “She’s been out for some time. You don’t think…?” “No of course not. See, she’s coming to now.” Brilly opened her eyes and sat up. Three kind faces stared back at her. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, wondering where she was. “That was a close one, dear.” Said the red woman. “I’m Flora. This is Merrywether, and Fauna. We are the three good fairies in our world. You have quite a bump on your head there. Luckily, the king told us to come assist you on your journey and we fixed you up as best as we could.”
    “Umm…I don’t mean to be rude but I can’t see you very well.” Brilly saw swirls of sparkling fairy dust and three middle-aged fairies popped up next to her. Flora had a plump figure and wore a red medieval dress with short pumps and a dunce-like sort of hat. Looking at the others, they seemed to have the exact same clothes except Merrywether had a slightly plumper figure with blue clothes and Fauna was slightly thinner with an emerald green that reminded brilly of the capital city of her world. “What happened?” Brilly asked, her head throbbing. “The castle was attacked.” Brilly closed her eyes as her memories started flowing back to her. The witch, King Mickey, Princesses, Heartless, and a key. “Ok so where are we headed to?” Brilly asked, standing up and going to the window. She saw nothing but vast space and distant stars, perhaps they were other worlds. “Our course is headed for Destiny Islands. We think there is a princess there.” Fauna said in a singsong voice, “we think she was sent there to find the keyblade master, but we’re not sure. All we know is that someone is there with immense power and a strong heart.”
    “Ok so you guys are here to help on this journey?” “Of course, dear. We’ll help as much as we can.” Exclaimed Merrywether. “Good, I just hope I can fulfill my destiny wherever it takes me. We’ll need to find a clothes shop so I can get more uh, suitable clothes.” She sighed. It had taken her months with Alinda to make her dress. “Fit for a queen!” Alinda would say. Now it lay in tatters, caused from the heartless claws.
    “Don’t worry about that. We’ll give you new clothes. Ready girls? On three then. One, two, THREE!” Brilly felt three blasts of air hit her back and her eyes closed instinctively. When she opened them, she looked down. She was wearing a blue vest that had a v-neck and ended just above the belly button. Her Emerald Shells turned an Emerald green that sparkled with many gems. Her cargo pants had pockets galore and plenty of loopholes for easy access during battle. To top it all off, black sneakers with blue laces to ensure quick speed.
    “Brilly, these clothes will aid you on your journey, though, we’re not sure how yet.” Brilly sat down puzzled, “How can you not know how these clothes will help me when you made them?”
    “Well you see,” Flora began, “magic can be unpredictable in each world.” Merrywether walked over to the window, “Flora, I think we’re here!” she exclaimed.
    A world of palm trees and blue sky was awaiting them. “Oh! It looks like paradise!” Brilly said, “lets go!” she said getting her stuff ready, but then stopped and looked back at the three. “Umm how are we supposed to get down there? There’s no dock to land on.”
    “They can’t do everything for you. You have to learn to do thing yourself.” A hoarse voice answered from the cockpit. A horse dressed in faded blue overalls stepped through the door. He had a wide brimmed straw hat and a horse collar around his neck. “Who are you?” Brilly asked, wary of the mallet in his hand. “I’m Horace. I’m the one that got you here. The King sent me to assist you on your journey.” “So you’re like a sidekick right?” she asked. “Well not exactly. I’m equal to your power and I help you but I am not a sidekick. I’m your partner.” He replied curtly. “Ok, so how do we get down there?” He walked over to her and looked her in the eyes. “You have to concentrate with your entire mind on finding a portal down there.”
    “Umm ok. Is there anything else I need to do?” The three fairies shook their heads. Brilly closed her eyes and concentrated hard on finding a way to transport on the island. At her feet suddenly appeared a glowing green circle. “That’s a transportation device called a ‘Save Point’. Very few people can conjure them. I can only think of one other person who can conjure them.” Horace exclaimed. “It’s the easiest form of transport down to a world because all you do is step inside the circle and your there. It’s like a direct link.” “Sweet! So are you coming?” brilly said as she picked up her rucksack and headed for the circle. She stepped through the circle with Horace at her side and blinding green light surrounded them. When they were able to see again, a crystal clear blue sky greeted them, along with the sharp smell of salt air and the sound of waves crashing onto white sand.
    Chapter 3
    “It’s beautiful here. I can see why there would be a princess hiding here. This would be my ideal hiding spot too!” The breeze flowed through her hair as she walked towards the shore. “Where do we start?” she asked, turning back to Horace. “Well, maybe we should ask some of the people living here. They might know who a princess is and where she is.”
    They walked along the shore until they came up to a girl in an orange dress, holding a jump rope. “Excuse me, this may sound weird, but do you know anybody who is a princess?” Brilly asked, attempting to word the question right so she didn’t sound like a complete idiot. “No, sorry. There are only a couple girls on the island, but none of them are royalty. Ask Kairi. She might know someone.” The girl stared quizzical at their clothes, her mouth open as if to talk some more but Brilly cut her off. “Umm, thank you for your help.” Brilly said, quickly walking and pushing Horace away with her. “I don’t like the way she stared at our clothes. Maybe we should find some new clothes.” Horace stated. “No, I don’t think so. We won’t be here for much longer. We might need rain coats though, it looks like there might be a storm coming.” They continued walking, while Horace wordlessly conjured raincoats and set them on their shoulders.
    As they turned the bend, they heard voices floating on the breeze. “You’re sure you haven’t seen one?” the voice sounded familiar, but Brilly was sure she had never heard it before. “No sorry, I have never even heard of a ‘keyblade’ before.” A slightly younger voice was heard, with a hint of a whine in his voice. “Well thanks anyway.” Brilly and Horace walked on and soon they saw a teen about Brilly’s age with brown hair and a strange expression in his eyes. He walked right into her without even noticing her. “Watch where you’re going!” he said, stopping to look at her, “oh sorry, I didn’t realize you were a girl.” He said with an angry glint in his deep blue eyes.
    “What’s that supposed to mean? I could kick your a** easily.” She stood facing him, daring him to make a move. “You’re not worth it.” He said walking away. Brilly stuck her foot and make him trip. “SCREW YOU!” he shouted, walking away after regaining his balance. “Not even in your dreams.” She said under her breath, “C’mon Horace lets go.” She started walking away then stopped when she realized Horace wasn’t beside her. She looked back. “Brilly, did you see his clothes?” he asked in a sort of trance. “No, why?” “Because he’s not from this world.” He stated calmly, “plus he was asking around for a keyblade. He’s from another world, I’m sure of it. Go catch up to him quick.”
    Sighing loudly, Brilly ran back the other way and caught up to the boy. “Hey! You’re from another world, maybe you can help me. I’m looking for seven princesses of heart. Do you know where I might find them?” The boy gave her a puzzling look. “No, there’s a Queen of Hearts in Wonderland, but I’ve never heard of ‘princesses’ of heart.” His eyes widened. “Do you know where a can find a keyblade?”
    “Well, I’ve seen one. The King had one, when we were fighting off the heartless. I don’t know where he is though. I lost track of him when I left the castle. Sorry!” the boy ran off with a yell of “thanks” from over his shoulder. He jumped in a boat and rowed towards the horizon. There was a flash of light and he was gone. She walked back to Horace and continued walking with him up the island. “Do you think we’ll find them in time?” she asked her voice full of doubt. “I’m sure we will. We just need to keep looking and not give up easily.” They walked on, not speaking. BOOM! A clash of thunder and lightning startled them both. “Maybe we should go back…we’ll start again after the storm.”
    “No. I think we should continue. I feel something in my heart tugging me towards that island. We have to go tonight. Look we’ll take these boats and head over there.” She ran towards the little boats and got in one. It started rowing towards the island. Horace jumped into another next to it and followed her.
    Chapter 4
    When they reached the other island, it started to rain. Thunder and lightning filled the sky with light and sound. “Where do we go now?” Horace shouted over the raging winds. “We gotta find some sort of cave, like a secret hiding place or something. There is someone waiting in there, I think it’s a princess!” They started running all over the island, searching in every hole, cave, they even walked behind the waterfall. “We’ve looked everywhere. There’s no one on this island except us!” Horace sat down and motioned Brilly to do the same. “Listen, I know the king said follow your heart, but sometimes your heart could be-”
    Brilly got up and followed a small footpath up towards a bush behind a large tree. “Horace follow me!” she crawled in the bush and found herself in a cave, covered in childish drawings. Brilly looked up and saw a girl, around 14 looking at her. “Who are you?” Brilly asked, throwing caution on the wind. “I’m Kairi. Who are you?” She replied. “I’m Brilly and this is Horace.” Brilly took a step towards Kairi. Suddenly heartless starting pouring out of a door in the back of the cave. “What are those?” Kairi exclaimed, taking a step back. She made towards the door but Horace grabbed her. “Kairi! We’re not here to harm you. We need you for something important. Horace, is she a princess?” brilly attacked a heartless and killed it. “Yea I think so.” “Ok then perform the spell quickly while I fight off these heartless!” She turned her back and started fighting with heartless left and right. After 10 minutes, she heard Horace call her, sounding desperate. “Brilly! My magic isn’t strong enough outside my world. You’ll have to perform it.”
    “Ok, but I don’t know how to do it.” Brilly ran over and Horace got in front of her and kairi to protect them. “I’ll guide you through it. Put your hand over her heart and concentrate.” Her hand started glowing a soft blue. “It’s working! What do I do now?” Brilly looked at Kairi and saw her fear. She tried to comfort her with her expressions but it didn’t seem to work. “Now try to think of someplace to set her heart in, like a favorite object or something.” “Ok I’ll try. Kairi, what is your most favorite item in the whole world?” Kairi looked over Brilly’s shoulder. In a daze, she answered, “Sora? Don’t go!” Brilly turned around and saw a man, floating a few inches above the ground. She turned back around and focused on a ‘sora’, even if she didn’t know what it was. Her hand started to glow brighter. Suddenly, a giant wind knocked her and Horace out of the cave. Brilly blacked out as her body hit something hard and cold with a loud SMACK.

    Chapter 5
    “Brilly, wake up!” Horace was shaking her gently, trying to wake her up. “What happened? Where’s Kairi? Did the spell work?” Brilly’s eyes adjusted to the bright lights hanging above her. “I don’t think it did. I didn’t get a chance to finish.” She got up and moved over to the map inside the gummi ship. “How’d we get off the island?” She turned back towards Horace. “Well, that giant wind blew us out of the cave and you landed in the little pool. I managed to land on the sand twenty feet away when I was attacked by the heartless. I ran as fast as I could to get back to you and when I got there and pulled you out, you weren’t breathing. I picked you up and got back to the Save Point. The fairies did some magic and pulled the water out of your lungs. You’ve been asleep for a few hours now. We were getting worried.” He said as he helped her keep her balance, seeing her sway.
    “Well, we should probably move forward and continue with our mission. We still need to find the eight princesses of heart.” “Uh don’t you mean seven?” Horace inquired. “Nope. Eight. We don’t know what happened to Kairi and we need to track her down. So where next?