• It all started when i was in London and i was going to discover haunted urban legends with my assistant Charlie and i of course myself Dr.Stein. Well Charilie and i were going to dicover vampires. When we werer on our way to London we got off the boat and saw nothing but darkness on the roads and the alleys. As we approached a church we saw the statue of a saint and it was covered with blood.

    As we entered the church Charlie and i started to hear voices, evil whispering voices. Then i heard Charlie's awful scream! I turned to see Charlie was bleeding to death from his neck. Then Charlie said "you have to get out of here"while crying and i saw a bite mark on his neck and i asked "why what is wrong " and Charile repeated "yo7u need to get out of here" while his voice was getting louder and deeper evil voice. Then i shined a flashlight on him and i saw black eyes. I heard someone running behind me. i shone my flashlight in that drection but saw nothing. i shone it back to where Charle was lying but he was gone. I kept looking for him but did not see him anywhere int sancturary. I didnt know what to do

    Suddenly I see something moving in the walls and i heard its horrible cracking bones. It was coming closer and closer i shone my flashlight on it but it was nothingl. I felt someone puyt their hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Charlie with sharp teeth as shark's teeth. His jaw was wide open he was making an awful sound "awwwarghawwww"

    Then he attacked me with full strenght. His sharp nails pushing into my shoulder. i streatched out my hands onto his shoulders. Charlie was trying to kill me. He was poking his sharp nails into my neck trying to stab them in between my shoulders and neck. Although the pain was intense i pushed him away

    I had to do wat i had to do. I reached down int my crgo pants pulled out my single shot pistol and pointed it to Charlie's face."I'm sorry Charlie" while crying then shot him right in the forhead. His body went limp. I threw Charlie off of me and got up to go out ot the church when i realized there were others around me.Vampires were surrounding me. They all had sharp teeth and black eyes. I brought out my semi automatic pistol and shot every single one of those dame vampires. But there were was too many of them and all came dangerously close. i unstarpped my machine gun. I shot all my rounds but there were still too many. Shooting wasn't enough i tried to hide but i was surrounded. This is day i died