• It was getting dark. Dijitae and I were in a thick forest which seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. He let out a sharp breath that exhaled a cloud of cold air. " It's f..freezing!" Dijitae complained. "Don't worry, we'll get out of here in a j..jiffy." I felt the cold Dijitae felt. I heard a loud clicking noise. " Close your mouth, Dij!" The noise stopped. "Okay. Let's go." We both got on our feet. We could see no path in front of us. The ground was covered in snow. We walked for a while until I stopped at a tree. It was the largest in the area and it was in the middle of the “path” we were traveling on. “Come on, Stella!” Dijitae shouted. I nodded my head staring up at the tree. “Stell-uh!” I realized Dijitae was getting annoyed. I went on walking. After what seemed like forever Dijitae fell too his knees. He was gasping. He looked as cold as ice. “Go.” he said. “I’m not gonna leave you here.” I said reassuringly, as I pulled out a thermos of hot cocoa. Dijitae let out a sigh of happiness. “There’s more where that came from.” I said. We quickly moved on until we came to a building to large to be a shack. “This must be it.” I sighed thankfully. I grabbed Dijitae’s sleeve while he was drinking his cocoa. “You got it all over my front! Thanks, I’m sure gonna be warmer now.” He said sarcastically. We walked up to the door. Dijitae knocked on the door. It fell open. “ No one’s home.” He said hopefully. “C’mon stupid.” We went inside and took a look around. I saw a frame on a wall that had a picture of a beautiful women. “ You think she still lives here?” Dijitae joked. “Shut up.” “What’s got you all fired up?” Dijitae said. “ I just want to find Jet and get out of here, Okay?” I said almost loud enough to be yelling. “Geez, Stella.” Suddenly something grabbed us both. I woke up dangling over a pit of lava. “I found Jet!” Dangling Dijitae said. “Great.” I muttered. “Glad to see you too.” Jet said. “Sorry.” I said. “I’m just saying that we found you, but we’re gonna die too.” I was the least a bit frightened as Dijitae but I was upset. “ Have a little faith. I got an idea.” Jet tried to sound calm. “ And what do you propose we do. Swing around till this thing breaks?” “Well,…” Jet joked. “Jet!” Dijitae and I said together. “Okay, okay. Here’s the plan. Dij, I need you to try and reach your way to Stella’s pack. Then, get out the knife.” Dij slowly retrieved the knife. Suddenly Jet was upset. “Why didn’t you tell me the knife was plastic?” Jet yelled. “Why didn’t you ask?” Dijitae replied. “Ughh.” moaned Stella. Think, Stella, think. What else is in my pack? “Hey guys.” Dijitae and Jet weren’t listening. They were trying to kick each-other. “Guys!” I yelled. They both turned their dangling bodies towards me. “Dij. I need you to get something else out of my pack.” “What do you need?” he asked. “I need you to get a broken pair of scissors that I found on the ground.” Dijitae thrust his hand into my pack and tried to get it. “OW!” he screamed. “Found ‘em.” “Okay. Good. Now try and cut the rope. Then hold onto your rope, let either me or Jet swing you to the landing, and, well, land.” Dijitae nodded his head and started to cut the rope. Once he broke free, Jet swung him to safety. “I’m good.” he said from the ledge. “Alright. You’re next, Stella.” Jet said. “Wait, how are you gonna get down? I’m not leaving you here.” I was making sure of myself that I was going to sacrifice. “Just let me undo your rope!” I made my decision and he let me free. After I was safe he undid his rope and swung himself to the landing. “Told you I’d make it.” Jet said in a I-told-you-so kind of way. “Now let’s get out of here.” I said. We tried to move but the people who kidnapped us blocked our way out. “Oh no.” Dijitae and I said together. “Run!” Jet yelled. We got to our feet. I forced my leg up and karate kicked one of the guys. He fell over and I pushed him over the edge. Dijitae tried to do the same but the other guy grabbed his leg and bent it. ‘SNAP” and a scream was all I heard. Then my mind went short. Like the times in the movies where the sort of block out the sound to where the character hears things. This time it was real. “Dijitae!” I screamed. He just laid on the ground, his leg throbbing with pain. He was red and sweating heavily. Screams and shouts came out of his mouth. Just then one of the men pulled a lever and tried to make an escape but Jet kicked him in the lava. “We gotta get out of here! The lava’s rising!” Jet screamed. “But Dij is to heavy!” I yelled back. “No. Don’t try and carry me out.” Dijitae said painfully. “And leave you here to die?” I replied. “Yeah. That’s the idea.” he said with the same voice. “I’m not going to leave you!” I yelled. “You have to!” he yelled back. “Why?” I screamed. “Because!” he paused. “Because. I’d die for you!” my mind went short again. “What? What do you mean?” “I like you okay! I always have. Actually, more like love! Now get out of here! More guys are coming!” I stared at him for a minute. “Go!” he yelled. “But you’ll die!” I said. “I promise. I promise I’ll be safe! Now GO!” Tears rolled down my cheeks as Jet pulled my arm away. We got out safely and we walked back into the forest. We passed my check-mark tree and found our way out. I was still crying. When we got back to town Jet lead the way to my house. “Why are you still crying?” he asked when we got to the door. “Because.” I said. “Because he promised.”
