• Svetlan once lived in a kingdom in the sky, in a simple looking traditional eastern village with small concrete buildings and tiny straw huts, with dusty stone-paved paths. When he was young, he fell in love with a girl and one day he saw her die in front of his eyes, stabbed by a thief. He ran up to her and looked her in the eyes as she died, and was deeply traumatised by the experience.

    Many years later, he found himself feeling very paranoid and alone in the world. He would wake up in the morning, look at the picture of the girl, and cry. He decided one day to pay a visit to a local medicine dealer. He went up to the man's building: a 2 story concrete apartment like building. The pharmacist man was fat and looked like a pig and was a disgusting creature of a man. He sat and rubbed his grubby fingers on a pile of money that lay before him. He lived a shameful life full of greed and Dirty things. As Svetlan walked in, the pharmacist looked up at him through his little glasses, and knew what he was here for. Without saying a word he handed him a bottle that said "Anti-paranoia" on it.

    Svetlan took the bottle and consumed a few pills on the spot. Suddenly, his whole body began retching. He fell to the floor and began writhing in pain, and stood back up and held his head and screamed as the room started spinning and he saw spirits of the dead dancing around him. Suddenly he looked at the pharmacist, who was looking at the ground and laughing.

    Svetlan looked down, and saw his own dead body there on the floor. He looked back to the pharmacist and felt an uncontrollable anger, and an urge to kill, and he leapt at the pharmacist. From the pharmacist's perspective, his ghost suddenly appeared out of thin air, already charging at him. He took the man and threw him out the window, and jumped out and fell with him all the way to the ground. The pharmacist landed on his back, and Svetlan landed on his knees, kneeling over him. His fist kept its' momentum and burrowed straight into the pharmacist's chest, crushing his heart.

    Svetlan looked the dying pharmacist in the eyes, and saw the fear, the desire to live, the realisation that his entire world was about to end. Svetlan realised then and there that all life is precious no matter how corrupt or greedy it is, and he too felt the pain and the fears of death and he cried as he remembered having once looked his lover in the eyes like this. He stood up and looked around him, and all around citizens were looking in on the scene with a strange kind of fear. Svetlan was still visible to them all, and he began to run down the street in the direction of the setting sun.
    Back in the pharmacist's office, the dead body of Svetlan slowly disappeared.

    Svetlan would spend the next few years haunting the graveyard overlooking a cliff at the end of the street. The locals were afraid at first, but eventually became curious as to whether he was a living person or a spirit. In truth he was essentially a zombie. Over time they began to realise that he wasn't just haunting the graveyard.

    People in the village began reporting strange things. Whenever they would fall or get injured and were near death, they would always end up on their back, and looking Svetlan in his eyes, and Svetlan would begin to cry, a tear would fall onto them, and they would die, and wake up again a day later and find themselves alive and in perfect shape.

    And so they decided that the time had come to thank him. They brought him all kinds of presents, and laid them in his graveyard. Among other things, a local blacksmith created a mighty claymore, and the villagers would soon find Svetlan wielding it. One day, Svetlan simply disappeared. The rumours say that he simply walked up to the cliff, looked at the setting sun, and jumped off, and fell down to the world below, which had always been a mysterious place to the villagers.

    In time the villagers would forget about Svetlan, and history would forget about the old village in the sky. But history cannot forget about Svetlan, for he still lives to this day, following what purpose? He does not know.