“I followed my heart. Tell me, Alexia. Tell me, why is that wrong?” It was a male speaking, a male with pure black hair and intimidating blue eyes. His skin was rather pale, giving him a slightly sick glance and his oddly pointed ears made it obvious he wasn’t human. “Tell me. Please.” He sounded concerned, worried, even a bit disappointed and angry.
A female, standing close to him, shook her head. He had his hands on her shoulders and was trying to look her into the eyes. But moss green eyes didn’t meet blue. She too had those oddly pointed ears, but hers were somehow different. While his were a bit crooked, very long and very sharp at the point, hers were a lot smaller, straight and rather dull, hardly pointed at all. She had hair that reached down to her waist, a small, red and pink flower showing in the sun kissed blonde color. Light curls went throughout every strand and one of them was in his fingers, being caressed by him gently. Her skin was a lot darker than his, a light tan in it. They seemed to be complete opposites.
“I….” The female broke the silence that had been lingering between them and softly shook her head. “Levan, they…. They saw me. With you. They said, if…. If they find me together with you again, they’ll banish me from their midst.” She shook her head again and held back tears. “They are… my family. I couldn’t live if they banished me.” He frowned. “Yet, here we are, meeting yet again.” He paused and then raised his voice a bit. “You can’t deny what you feel Alexia. You can’t deny your heart!”
His grip tightened on her shoulders slightly when he felt her shift, as if she were about to move away. “I know, Alexia, that you do not have any family but your kin.” He paused. “But I…. I have nobody left but you.” There was something in his eyes that, despite him being an enemy, told her he was serious now.
It had started in a way one would have never expected something like this to happen from it. But first, let me tell you about the history of both of their kin.
It all started in a time when nature was still fully untouched by the hand of man. There were no cities, roads, things that destroyed the forests and mountains, even rivers. The only things that existed were homes built so that nature could live on like before.
At first, there was but one group, which called themselves Elves. They were a pre-form of man, bound to nature, taking their power out of the woods and rivers, the mountains and skies, the creatures and plants, without ever harming anyone or anything. They were gifted with magical powers in return; they were one with the nature. The plants and animals obeyed them if they, in return kept the creatures’ homes alive. For years, this worked out without a problem. But one day, one Elf, a male, decided that he wanted more. He went after the power. He wanted to be able to control others, to be stronger than the rest. And he gathered many more beside him.
They took whatever power they needed, giving nothing in return, leaving a path of destruction. They gave themselves a name as well. But that name was forgotten so quickly, for the name the elves gave them fit them so much better. The Nyiads or Dark Elves. There was a large battle, in which, in the end, the Nyiads were banished from the territory of the Elves. Leaving them hardly anywhere to go. But there was one area that had been untouched by even the keepers of the forests. Far in the north was a land never touched by the light, filled with dangerous creatures, monsters and a terrain as dangerous as the creatures inhabitating it. They took it as their own. And the creatures were soon convinced, rather, forced, to join them, help defend them.
They built their own homes, mostly either in caves or underground. Soon, they began to change. Their skin lost the natural tan of the sun, as they hardly ever got out into it anymore. Their eyes darkened from clear colors, into paler, darker colors, as to adapt to the darkness and their hair turned mostly black or a very dark brown for the same reason. Even their magic was lost, to be replaced by something much darker and more dangerous. While they lost the power to control the nature and use it as their aid, they gained the power of destruction and chaos.
Elves, Keepers of the Forest, and the Dark Elves, the Bringers of Destruction, became sworn enemies. It had been so now for five centuries. After they had left, soon, a war broke out. The Dark Elves wanted more power and more land. They lost though, as the elves had prepared themselves already in advance.
The Nyiads didn’t give up and soon, they tried to attack more and more often, growing stronger with every passing day. The Elves lost quite a few wars and so, more land. As if to make it worse, mankind started creating homes by destroying the nature and using up its resources without second thought. The Elves lost not just land, but also power this way. While the Nyiads continued to gain more and more.
Today, there are harsh rules. The Dark Elves are seen as traitors. Being caught with them, results in banishment, exile, losing everything. On the same count though, if a Dark Elf ‘follows his heart’, as they say, finding back his true Elven nature, he will be hunted down and then killed.
That is the story of the Keepers of the Forest and the Bringers of Destruction. Sworn enemies up to this day. Now, it is time to find out how it could have happened that these two enemies met and fell in love.
Alexia was born into a rather noble Elven family. But both her parents and her elder brother were killed in an assault from a group of Dark Elves, who wanted to crash the power of the Elves to gain even more land. So, she came to a normal family. Nobody from her family left anymore. This resulted in her turning into a quiet person. At least, usually. But then, she found her way into their forces. She had trained in the arts of sword fighting and magic. Then joined the Elven forces, fighting for their defense. To prevent anyone from going through what she had gone through. For on that night, she had just barely escaped death.
Levan on the other hand, was used from the start to obey. Obey his parents, his father in particular. Being the son of one of the most famous soldiers of the Dark Elves was hard, especially in younger years. He was forced to join their military at the age of twelve. It was a hard life. And death wasn’t hard to find. He had been injured more often than most could say. Most normal Dark Elves his age at least. But soon, he had started to get bitter. They had destroyed his little home, their quaint village a bit distanced from the larger cities they had. That had caused him to improve his fighting to a maximum. His way with the sword was near perfected. And magic came to him naturally.
And then, one day, another war, almost usual, they had first met. Alexia was sixteen, still seen as a child in elven standards and Levan nineteen. The last year of childhood. A large group of Dark Elven warriors had launched another assault, this time on one of the Elves’ larger cities. On coincidence, just the city in which Alexia was staying right now.
The Elves hadn’t been prepared for this. So of course, losses on their side had been large. The Dark Elves started invading the city. Until the Elven forces had realized that they were being attacked, many, too many of their kin had died. This just increased the anger on the Elven side. Alexia, the moment she’d found out, had stormed out into battle, determined to not let people before her again. Her enemy, none other than Levan. He was as determined as she was to avenge his family, his town, everyone he had lost. The battle ended. The Elven forces all either dead or badly injured. The Dark Elves had made sure to erase the city, just like their cities had been erased. Levan had been lightly injured in the battle, while Alexia had gotten away without a scratch. From Levan at least. Because she hadn’t known that the Dark Elves were literally backstabbers. And so she had ended up badly injured as well.
The second time they had met, Alexia had been twenty, Levan twenty three, nearly twenty four. Both had entered their teenager years. This time, circumstances were different. Again, the forces of the Dark Elves were attacking, this time, a smaller town of the Elven territory. Therefore, their group was a lot smaller than last time. Giving them all more freedom as well. And now, just like the last time, the Elves were unsuspecting. No forces were even there. In fact, the town was rather much fully unprotected. Only one member of their military was there. Alexia, staying with the family that had raised her after her parents’ death.
The Nyiads entered the town. Breaking into the houses. Killing whomever they could find. Levan broke into the house in which Alexia was staying. Killing her ‘family’. Then, when he reached her room, he paused. She was still fast asleep, fully unsuspecting. Instead of killing her, he just watched her for a moment. Remembering their battle from the last time. Remembering something else as well. Instead of killing her in her sleep, he woke her. One hand clamped over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. His weapon lying on the ground beside her bed. He leaned down to her ear and whispered with deep voice, his tone soft, showing that he wouldn’t hurt her. “This is the second time I’ve spared your life. Don’t make a sound and you will survive. This town is under attack. And if one of my companions finds you, they will kill you. There will be no third time that I will spare your life.” And then, suddenly, he lifted his hand from her mouth, lightly brushing over her lips with his own, before vanishing, leaving behind only a black mist. And in her ears rung his words, while she wondered why he’d said this was the second time he spared her.
From that day onward, her life changed. Not only because of his words, but most of all, because of his gesture of affection. His kiss. Was it out of affection? Or maybe it was because their culture was different. She doubted it. But one thing, she told herself. The next time she saw him, she wouldn’t be fighting him.
At last, the third time they met, just two months later. Once again, a battle. This time, an assault from the Elven party. They had found a base of the Dark Elves, not far from a larger city, so this time, they launched the attack first. The female quickly found out where he was sleeping and volunteered to be the one to attack his tent. Nobody prevented her of doing this, for Levan still was one of the most feared Dark Elven warriors. So she entered the tent. Sneaking up to him. Finding him lying on one blanket, a blanket over him, fast asleep. Or so it seemed. She took her weapon and held it to his neck, pinning him down, holding a hand over his mouth this time.
Instead of waking, the form vanished, and instead of him being pinned, she was pinned by him. Weapon being pressed out of her hand. The female stared up at him, white as a sheet, afraid that this mistake would be her death. Hadn’t he said he wouldn’t spare her again? Instead of giving into her fear though, she managed a firm expression, glancing up into stone cold blue eyes. Managing to keep a calm voice as she spoke to him. “I never wanted to kill you.” She kept her voice quiet. “All I want to know is-“ He cut her off.
Frowning at her, glaring at her. It almost seemed he was a completely different person. Then, slowly, he calmed, eyes showing life again. “Speak. But know if you say something wrong, I will kill you.” He clearly was serious. The Elf took a deep breath and then started. “Why… didn’t you kill me the last time? And why did you say that was the second time?” He frowned, before answering. “The first question I won’t answer you yet. But the second can easily be answered. You must remember the time that your family was killed. I was in that group as well and was sent out to kill you, as you were the least dangerous and I wasn’t a very strong warrior yet. But I didn’t. For you were even younger than me and I couldn’t take the life of a being, no matter what being, that seemed so alike to my own kind.” She glanced up at him, green eyes wide in surprise. Then, suddenly, his grip loosened. And he glanced down at her. Noticing her reaction and even giving so much as a tiny smile. “Now as for the first question…” He didn’t say another word, instead, leaned down again. Pressing his lips to hers, firmly this time, not just brushing over them. Kissing her deeply.
The same feeling that had lingered last time ran over her this time. Causing her to feel nearly as if she would faint. She didn’t, of course. But it felt so wrong, yet so real. Alexia didn’t know what to do. Then, he stood, pulling her up as well. “If they find out you spared me, you will die. I must leave.” The female nodded and he took a step back, glancing at her. “I will meet you… in the forest north of here, tomorrow when the sun rises.” The female gave another nod and then he vanished.
The next day, just as promised, he appeared where he had told her. She had stayed there the whole night, under the excuse of wanting some time alone. It was accepted, considering the still somewhat recent death of her second ‘family’.
She stayed sitting on the stump of a tree that had died recently, being killed from a stroke of lightning. When he appeared, she’d glanced up and then happiness had showed on her face. He had smiled lightly as well. Sitting down opposite her and looking at her with those intimidating blue eyes she had noticed the first time she’d met him. Well, second time actually.
“Wow…. I… I can’t believe a Dark Elf actually kept his promise”, she said softly. Mentally kicking herself instantly at her remark. He seemed to oversee it. Purposely? Or had he simply not heard it?
Instead, he moved closer to her and took her hands in his own. “How much pain must I have caused you? First, you lost your family at my hand, then the people taking care of you after that loss.” He sighed softly. “It took so many deaths for me to understand and actually accept what I feel for you.” He paused and shook his head softly. “But now, what I wonder is, do you feel the same?” The female didn’t answer for a moment. Then gave a nod. Pausing for a second. “I don’t think I even know my name.” He sighed. “You probably do. I am Levan.” She seemed to tense and pale slightly, but maybe it was just his imagination. “As for you, I know who you are. Alexia. Daughter of the powerful Elven lord Azazeal… somehow, it is a shame he had to die.” The male sighed.
They stayed in this place for another few hours, just talking, then, she stood. “I have to go. Else, they’ll be suspecting things.” With that, she left. Not without him pressing a soft kiss to her lips. What neither of them noticed was that one of Alexia’s fellow military members had been watching them the whole time. When she returned to the base, she found herself in deep trouble. It was only the position her father had had that prevented her from being banished here and now.
And this leads us back to where we started. Shall we continue?
His grip tightened on her shoulders even more and he glanced down at her, frowning slightly. Levan was nearly a whole foot taller than her. His long, black robes, reaching down to his ankles and hiding his bare feet made him look even taller and slimmer, though he already was six foot tall and rather well built, muscles showing on his whole body.
She on the other hand was around five foot three tall, clothed in dark green robes and a silver necklace with a blue gem around her neck.
“Levan… please, let go. I can’t. I… I love you. But I can’t risk this. My family…. Everyone that means something to me.” His expression changed. “Do I mean nothing to you?” he asked her angrily. “Am I just a worthless enemy to you? Are you just playing a game with me then? Because the way you are talking, you don’t seem to need me or care about me at all!” He let go of her shoulders, pushing her away instead. “Levan… I’m sorry. I…. That’s not what I meant okay. I love you. And you mean more to me than a lot of people. But I need a family, my own kin to survive.”
The male said nothing. But he kept his distance to her, shaking his head softly. Then, words left his lips again. “You’re right. This… can’t go on.” He frowned. “Goodbye, Alexia. Maybe we will meet again.” With those words, he vanished suddenly in a swirl of black mist. The Elf stared at the spot where he had been standing for a moment. Then slowly stepped back, her back against a tree before sliding to the ground, burying her face in her arms. For the first time, she had loved. And for the first time, she had had her heart broken.
Slowly, she stood. Eyes red and puffy from all her crying. His tone, his disappointment still ringing in her ears, echoing, repeating in her head.
When she returned to their current base, she was cast an odd glance from quite a few. Then, seconds later, was pulled aside by just that person that had watched them the first time. He seemed a bit worried about her. “What happened? That b*****d… did he hurt you?” She bit her lip and shook her head. “No… I hurt myself”, she whispered, barely audible. “It’s over. He left.” She pushed away the other and then walked into her tent, shutting it and laying down, burying her face in her pillow, softly sobbing.
Then, all of a sudden, loud voices were heard from outside her tent. Slowly, she sat up, wiping her tears away with a sleeve, sniffling lightly. Then, she listened more closely. Screams. Terrified screams were echoing throughout their whole camp. There was the sound of weapons hitting each other and the sound of loud footsteps. She jumped to her feet, grabbing her weapon, arming herself, then opening the tent, stepping outside and glancing around. An ambush! This was… another ambush. Levan! Was he here? Was he… was he in their group? She kept her eyes open, glancing around. She couldn’t see him. Maybe he… No, he would have been back. And maybe he simply couldn’t.
Her thoughts were violently interrupted by a stinging pain in her arm and she let out a soft cry. Glancing up to look into a pair of dark gray eyes belonging to a Nyiad, who had sliced into her arm with his weapon, a long, silver blade, black glint to it. Wincing lightly, she held on tighter to her own weapon, slashing at him, causing him to jump backwards quickly. She grimaced, taking a step forward. Moving so every time she slashed or stabbed at him, he backed further, until suddenly, his back was against a large tree. This time, her attack didn’t missed and hit him straight in the chest. He let out a hissed breath and then slowly slid onto the ground, weapon dropped, holding onto his wound. “You little b***h”, he hissed softly. “First you tempt our best warrior and then-“ She paled, not hearing anything else he said. They knew as well? That… that meant they were going to kill... She had to hurry, had to get there. She glanced down at him. Then lifted her blade, stabbing straight through his heart.
Without thinking about anything else, she started hurrying away from the battle. Suddenly having her way blocked by a slightly bulky male Nyiad, holding a scythe as tall as he himself was in his hand. “You must be the girl. Oh no, you will not leave.” He slashed at her knees suddenly and she lost balance, falling down, hitting the ground hard. He’d hit her so she couldn’t stand, couldn’t run. She dropped the weapon from her hand, letting out a soft whimper in her pain. Usually it never got this far.
Frowning slightly, he harshly grabbed her arm and pulled her up and then with as swirl of black, he vanished, along with the female Elf.
When they reappeared where they were supposed to, he let her go, grimacing, seeming disgusted as he pushed her away, causing her to stumble and fall onto the stone cold ground, letting out a light wince. Glancing up, she saw that he was gone again. That she was alone, in a dark, moist cell, nothing there but a cold wooden bench hanging by two iron chains. The only light was coming from the thinnest crack in the stone wall above her, about twelve feet above her. But there was no way in or out. No doors, no fences, chains, metal, anything.
When she tried to stand, a harsh pain shot through her legs and she let out a soft whimper, clawing into the wall and pulling herself up, ignoring the pain and managing to move towards the bench, before slumping down onto it. “What’s going on here?” She whispered softly, fear clear in both her voice and also face.
It took another two hours before anything happened. To her, it felt like an eternity. She could barely see anything, couldn’t use her magic, couldn’t move… She was damned right now. The only thing she had were the memories of her and Levan. And even those didn’t last forever. After all, it had only been four days. The last of them, not something she wanted to speak about. It still hurt. Then suddenly, there was the softest sound and she glanced up, opening her eyes. Good thing there was no light to adjust to. But now, she understood why the Nyiads looked so different from them. In front of her stood one of them, a Nyiad, who seemed to be a lot older than anyone she’d ever seen before. An elder, a Nyiad elder. Maybe even back from the time they had first left the Elven territory?
Her thoughts were interrupted by his harsh voice. “You’ve been seen, together with one of our best, strongest men, Levan. Is that true, Elf?” Elf. He was speaking to her as if she were scum, nothing at all to him. Maybe she was. “I…” He cut her off. “Answer the question!” His voice grew in volume, intimidating her even more than Levan’s eyes had. She glanced at him, an expression of fear on her face. “You won’t talk? Fine then. We’ll do this another way.” He grabbed her arm harshly and then suddenly, vanished from the cell with her, reappearing out in the forest, Nyiad forest. Beside her, she could see another Nyiad, from whom she knew he was one of their strongest men, a high ranked General and… “Levan”, she whispered, barely audible. Nonetheless, the elder understood her. “So, you do know him.” She bit her lip lightly. “I…” “Enough.” The elder turned away from her in disgust and instead, glanced at Levan, the General following his example. “Do you know this Elf, Levan?” The male shook his head. “Just from various battles. Just another Elf.” His words stung so badly, it hurt, it felt like someone was tearing her heart out. “Is that so?” The elder smirked. “Fine then. Kill her.” Alexia turned white as a sheet and stared at Levan in horror. No… No, he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. He… He loved her, didn’t he?
The Nyiad looked at her for a moment. Looked straight into her eyes. There was an odd glint in them she had never seen before, but she also saw him, she saw his heart in his eyes. He couldn’t do this. Levan’s eyes darted to those of the elder. He frowned. “What are you waiting for? After all, is she not ‘just another Elf’, as you said?” He let out a low growl. Eyes glinting more now.
There was a moment’s pause, silence so loud it almost hurt. Then, the elder spoke again. “You can’t kill her Levan, can you? Because she is more than ‘just another Elf’, isn’t she?” A smirk covered the face of the elder and he shook his head, turning to Alexia once more. “Kill her. Let this be a lesson to him.” She paled, backing away and then feeling the pain in her legs again. They hadn’t healed yet. And here, she couldn’t draw any magic from either. She was fully defenseless. Levan paled slightly as well, though there was already no color left in his face. “No!” He stepped forward, pulling his weapon. “You will not kill her.” Suddenly, two other Dark Elves appeared, each grabbing one of his arms. His eyes widened in horror as he squirmed and struggled, trying to get free. At the same time, the General now advanced towards the Elf. Pulling his own weapon, a broad, long sword, seeming rather heavy and larger than he was. Glinting red, reflecting blood of past victims that had fallen to the steel.
Alexia winced. But she knew she couldn’t pull her magic from here. She… she could only try. She shut her eyes, mouthing words, words of a foreign language. Suddenly, a greenish white light filled the area. Her legs healed first and then suddenly, she was holding her weapon again. Staring angrily at the Nyiad. “I will not come easily”, she hissed. Instead of slashing at him though, she was in front of the two men holding onto Levan within seconds, slashing at both of their arms, making them drop their guard. The male broke free with a loud growl, taking his weapon and taking a stand beside the Elf, blade raised, as was hers.
“So, you indeed are willing to battle your own kind for a mere Elf, a low piece of nature loving scum as she is.” Levan hissed angrily, eyes suddenly turning a darker shade of blue, coming closer to indigo. “What did you just call her? You… I will not have it.” He sped off, suddenly standing behind the elder, blade stabbing his back, causing him to fall forward, writhing in pain, a pool of blood slowly gathering under and beside him. Then, the Nyiad turned to Alexia. “We have to get out of here quickly before anyone else joins the party. We stand no chance.”
He grabbed a firm hold of her free hand and started running. The speed of an average Elf was already high, but that of a Nyiad was even higher. They had specialized in speed and strength, whereas defenses usually weren’t needed, for their quick fighting skills mostly protected them enough.
They were rushing through the forest at a high speed. Then, suddenly, Alexia pointed. “There’s our base. Levan, bring me there, explain to them, they… they’ll understand”, she said softly. He didn’t seem too pleased, but nodded, coming to a stop before the tents of the Elven force. There as a loud murmuring, then the sound of weapons being pulled. Alexia paled, shaking her head and stepping forward. “No. Don’t attack him!” The leading General of this force came out of their tent, staring at the scene with a frown. “And why shouldn’t we?” The female took a deep breath. Tightening her grip on the male’s hand. “He… He just saved me. Okay, he…. He protected me; he almost died because of me. And… because I love him.” Again, murmuring, this time seeming more angry and disturbed filled the area. The Elf swallowed hard and stared at the Nyiad she loved so much beside her.
A soft chuckle suddenly came from the General’s mouth and he shook his head. “I see.” He frowned, shaking his head, then waving the rest of the troops away, turning back to the unusual couple. “Are you serious, Alexia?” The female nodded. “Absolutely. Why would I lie about this?” The Elf gave a nod and then softly shook his head. “Fine then. You… both can stay in the camp.” With those words, he left.
The female turned to Levan and wrapped her arms tightly around him, kissing his cheek softly. “I was so afraid that you would really kill me. Or that they would kill you if you didn’t obey”, she whispered softly. They had moved away from the mass of tents now, out of hearing range.
Suddenly, a dark chuckle was emitted from the lips of a man. Alexia broke away and spun around, paling at who she saw. “Mimoun.” It was the same elf that had seen her with Levan the first time. “How cute. It looks like they have found each other, doesn’t it?” He turned, as if speaking to another person. In fact, he was, for seconds later, out of the shadows of the trees appeared the Nyiad General. “So it does. Hmph.” He frowned, shaking his head. “M-Mimoun, what-“ “Haven’t you understood it yet Alexia? I’m a double agent you could say. See, I’m actually supposed to be spying on them, but… I found that their side is much more… interesting. See, they have the power I’ve always wanted.” He sighed. “And to get that power, sacrifices have to be made.” The female had rapidly paled, staring at him in horror. “You… You were the one that snitched on us. Not just the first, but also the second time!” “Finally, you’ve understood.” He chuckled darkly again and then shook his head. “Now, now, I’ve had my reasons.” “Like what? You wanted power. And that was the only reason you had.” Her voice was a hiss, showing how angry she truly was. This only happened in the worst situations.
The silence was broken. Suddenly, five more Nyiads appeared. Each armed down to the bone. Ready to fight, closing in on them. One of them grabbed Alexia, another, Levan, holding onto their arms tightly and pulling them away from each other. The Elf let out an angry hiss, kicking out to the male’s shins, but he dodged, just laughing quietly. “You see Alexia, from the start, this was planned.” The female’s expression changed. “W-What do you mean?”
Mimoun turned to Levan. “Why don’t you be as good as to explain this to her?” She turned to him and stared at him in horror. “Alexia, I swear… I… At first, he’s right, I….” He paused and then took a deep breath. “From the moment we killed off your family, this was planned. Back then, I didn’t know it yet. All I knew was that I should keep you alive. Then, the second time, they told me the same thing. Kill everyone but you. I did so, willingly this time. But… it was then I started doubting this.” He paused. “And then, when you ambushed me in my tent that time, I…” He bit his lip and shook his head. “I swear to you Alexia, from that moment on, I didn’t want to do this anymore. I wanted you. Because I loved you, not because of some stupid plan to double cross the Elves.” There was a small tear glistening in his eyes and then it dropped out, rolling down his cheek, his chin, then dripping onto the ground. It seemed to sparkle slightly in the slowly rising sun. “The end of the deal was that you died. That he, Mimoun, delivered us one Elf of importance, then, he would be allowed to join us. But Alexia, I swear, I didn’t want it. Why else would I have saved you?” The female felt tears rise up in her eyes and betrayal stung her chest. “You b*****d. I… I really loved you! This was serious. I loved you more than anybody ever before. You… You used me!” “No, Alexia.” “Shut up. I…” She felt everything that meant something to her crash down suddenly and closed her eyes, tears violently streaming down her face. “How sad. A pity really.” Mimoun sighed. “I really wished I could have her for myself. But…” He drew his weapon. “A deal is a deal.” He advanced towards the Elf and smirked. Levan struggled against the grip on his arm. “Let go. b*****d, let go of me”, he hissed angrily, that glint in his eyes again.
Mimoun glanced at the female a moment more, sighing. “A pity”, he muttered again, shaking his head softly, then letting the blade slash down at her chest. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see anything anymore. Not wanting to see the satisfaction on his face when he killed her.
She heard the swishing of the blade in the air, but felt no pain, nothing. Then, a soft gasp, barely audible. Her eyes shot open and all color drained from her face, while tears filled her eyes. “Levan… Levan, oh no, no, Levan.” She sobbed softly and the Nyiad holding onto her let go in astonishment of the scene. The female dropped to her knees, holding the slowly dying Levan in her hands, face buried in his bloody chest. “Levan, don’t leave, you… you can’t die. I love you. I need you. Please don’t… don’t die.” Her voice was hardly audible between all of her sobs and her tears drenched the part of his shirt that hadn’t already been drenched from the blood. Levan managed to glance at her. “I’m sorry… Alexia.”
“Hmph. What an unnecessary loss.” The Elf shook his head and glanced at the female. “It can’t be helped.” He frowned. Glancing over to see that the Nyiad, who had been holding Levan, had been killed. I wonder how he did that though. He turned back to the dramatic scene, simply letting out a soft tsk, then pulling his blade away from the male’s wound. “It seems then that there will be two deaths tonight.” With that, the blade swooshed down again, this time hitting the back of the female Elf. She let out a cry of pain, but managed to still wrap her arms around the now dead Nyiad in her agony. If she would die, she wanted to die together with him in her arms. Five minutes later, both the pain and the loss of blood had killed her as well. But surprisingly so, a smile could be seen on both of their faces.
- by Managodess |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/15/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Under the Moon
- Artist: Managodess
This is a story that started as a rather random inspiration from the game Sacred... only the character classes are based from the game though really, and was then written down. I never thought it would turn into a story that I loved this much.
I hope you guys enjoy it, I'd really love constructive criticism... if you rate low then please tell me why.
Also, here is the link to my deviation of this:
http://managodess.deviantart.com/art/100TC-50-Under-the-Moon-76539694 (copy and paste) - Date: 07/15/2008
- Tags: darkelf elves romance sacred
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- Lady Knightingale - 12/31/2008
I love this short story; very well written. However, if I may be so bold as to suggest something...
When another person is talking, you separate it. No matter how long, or how short it is, you /always/ separate the paragraphs when that person is speaking.
Person being the character(s) in your story, because when you're reading three different people, and they're all talking, it's just a jumbled mess. Sorry if this offends you in any way. - Report As Spam
- Silencia - 07/17/2008
- amazing, really sad and beautiful!!!
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- Little Princess Crown - 07/16/2008
i give a 4,because i dont like the main characters dieing.
other than that, i loved it!!=D - Report As Spam
- Chrysanthemum Moon - 07/16/2008
Very nice! I like how you doubled back to explain the history in the beginning.
~L.C.~ - Report As Spam
- Leveron - 07/15/2008
- Wow This is a very good story that has the best words and imagination in it!
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- SomeAnotherDay - 07/15/2008
- Truely one of the best short stories I've read! Keep up the great work! ^_^ Absolutly LUV the ending
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