Arenas | Gaia Online

Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Adam&Eva
Comments (7 Comments)
  • Miruza_Sohma - 01/28/2011
  • Kikz9 how old are you? I mean, anyone who says 'ew kissing' should probably not be on gaia - or most forum sites.
    Anyway, it's an alright drawing, I'd say just keep practicing your proportions (everyone should) and maybe work on their positioning as well, it's just they look a little bit stiff.
  • Brit1989 - 01/04/2009
  • How the hell does it look like rape??
    Anyway yes the proportions could use a lot of work. I also notice that the guy's upper arm looks like it has balloons stuffed inside them, as well as everything else Phantom said. 1/5
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