Arenas | Gaia Online

Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • reflection
Comments (6 Comments)
  • Tigzie - 12/15/2008
  • wwwoooooooo its all likee.. purplleee.. the i GLOWSS!!!! -stares in awe- that is soo cool!!
  • badassbrit88 - 09/18/2008
  • It would be really cool looking if the smoke was white and the background was completely black.

    But, 5/5 anyway
  • Latter-cow - 09/06/2008
  • it didn't take long at all...
    and i think the result turned out pretty good
    and no there was no smudging
    i just did a quick farctical brush thing because some other guy has a 5 star rating and all he did was click once with the same brush I used
    and i don't get why no one left any comments like yours...
    it angers me-_-
  • userdan - 09/06/2008
  • not to be rude, but did you just take two abstract brushes and smudged them in PS?
    I mean, i imagine this was actually rendered and stuff, but impressive it is not.
    It;s not the process that counts, it's the result.

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